Module conduction.inversion.covariance

Copyright 2017 Ben Mather

This file is part of Conduction

Conduction is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or any later version.

Conduction is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with Conduction. If not, see

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Copyright 2017 Ben Mather

This file is part of Conduction <>

Conduction is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or any later version.

Conduction is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
along with Conduction.  If not, see <>.
try: range=xrange
except: pass

import numpy as np
from mpi4py import MPI

def gaussian(sigma, distance, length_scale):
    Gaussian function
    return sigma**2 * np.exp(-distance**2/(2.0*length_scale**2))

def create_covariance_matrix(sigma, coords, max_dist, func, *args, **kwargs):
    Create a covariance matrix based on distance.
    Euclidean distance between a set of points is queried from a KDTree
    where max_dist sets the maximum radius between points to cut-off.

     sigma    : values of uncertainty for each point
     coords   : coordindates in n-dimensions for each point
     max_dist : maximum radius to search for points
     func     : covariance function (default is Gaussian)
        (pass a length parameter if using default)
     args     : arguments to pass to func
     kwargs   : keyword arguments to pass to func

     mat      : covariance matrix

     Increasing max_dist increases the number of nonzeros in the
     covariance matrix.

     func should always receive sigma and distance as first
     two inputs
    from scipy.spatial import cKDTree
    from petsc4py import PETSc

    ncov = len(sigma)
    nn = np.hstack(sigma).size
    if ncov < nn:
        # this means we have a piecewise covariance matrix
        if len(coords) != ncov or len(max_dist) != ncov:
            raise ValueError("sigma, coords, max_dist must be the same dimensions")

        # find the size of each list
        size = np.zeros(ncov, dtype=PETSc.IntType)
        nnz = []
        for j in range(0,ncov):
            size[j] = len(sigma[j])

            dist = np.linalg.norm(coords[j] - coords[j].mean(axis=0), axis=1)
            nnz_j = int(1.5*(dist <= max(max_dist[j])).sum())
            nnz.append( np.ones(size[j], dtype=PETSc.IntType)*nnz_j )

        nnz = np.clip(np.hstack(nnz), 1, 99999)

    elif ncov == nn:
        ncov = 1
        size = [len(sigma)]

        # find distance between coords and centroid
        dist = np.linalg.norm(coords - coords.mean(axis=0), axis=1)

        # pad these within a list object
        coords = [coords]
        max_dist = [np.ones_like(sigma)*max_dist]
        sigma = [sigma]

        nnz = int(1.5*(dist <= max(max_dist)).sum())

    # set up matrix
    mat = PETSc.Mat().create(comm)
    mat.setSizes((nn, nn))
    mat.setOption(PETSc.Mat.Option.NEW_NONZERO_ALLOCATION_ERR, 0)

    colsum = np.cumsum(np.insert(size, 0, 0))

    row = 0
    for j in range(0, ncov):
        icoord = coords[j]
        imax_dist = max_dist[j]
        isigma = sigma[j]

        # set up KDTree and max_dist to query
        tree = cKDTree(icoord)

        for i in range(0, size[j]):
            idx = tree.query_ball_point(icoord[i], imax_dist[i])
            dist = np.linalg.norm(icoord[i] - icoord[idx], axis=1)
            col = np.array(idx + colsum[j], dtype=PETSc.IntType)
            val = func(isigma[idx], dist, *args, **kwargs)
            mat.setValues(row, col, val)
            row += 1

    return mat

def create_covariance_matrix_index(sigma, coords, max_dist, index, func, *args, **kwargs):
    Create a covariance matrix based on distance.
    Euclidean distance between a set of points is queried from a KDTree
    where max_dist sets the maximum radius between points to cut-off.

     sigma    : values of uncertainty for each point
     coords   : coordindates in n-dimensions for each point
     max_dist : maximum radius to search for points
     index    : map covariance function to regions of identical index
     func     : covariance function (default is Gaussian)
        (pass a length parameter if using default)
     args     : arguments to pass to func
     kwargs   : keyword arguments to pass to func

     mat      : covariance matrix

     Increasing max_dist increases the number of nonzeros in the
     covariance matrix.

     func should always receive sigma and distance as first
     two inputs
    from scipy.spatial import cKDTree
    from petsc4py import PETSc

    size = len(sigma)

    # find distance between coords and centroid
    dist = np.linalg.norm(coords - coords.mean(axis=0), axis=1)
    nnz = int(1.5*(dist <= max_dist).sum())

    # set up matrix
    mat = PETSc.Mat().create(comm)
    mat.setSizes((size, size))
    mat.setOption(PETSc.Mat.Option.NEW_NONZERO_ALLOCATION_ERR, 0)
    lith_index = np.unique(index)

    for l in lith_index:
        indices = np.nonzero(index == l)[0].astype(PETSc.IntType)

        icoord = coords[indices]
        isigma = sigma[indices]
        tree = cKDTree(icoord)

        for i in indices:
            idx = tree.query_ball_point(coords[i], max_dist)
            dist = np.linalg.norm(coords[i] - icoord[idx], axis=1)
            row = i
            col = indices[idx]
            val = func(isigma[idx], dist, *args, **kwargs)
            mat.setValues(row, col, val)

    return mat


def create_covariance_matrix(sigma, coords, max_dist, func, *args, **kwargs)

Create a covariance matrix based on distance. Euclidean distance between a set of points is queried from a KDTree where max_dist sets the maximum radius between points to cut-off.


sigma : values of uncertainty for each point coords : coordindates in n-dimensions for each point max_dist : maximum radius to search for points func : covariance function (default is Gaussian) (pass a length parameter if using default) args : arguments to pass to func kwargs : keyword arguments to pass to func


mat : covariance matrix


Increasing max_dist increases the number of nonzeros in the covariance matrix.

func should always receive sigma and distance as first two inputs

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def create_covariance_matrix(sigma, coords, max_dist, func, *args, **kwargs):
    Create a covariance matrix based on distance.
    Euclidean distance between a set of points is queried from a KDTree
    where max_dist sets the maximum radius between points to cut-off.

     sigma    : values of uncertainty for each point
     coords   : coordindates in n-dimensions for each point
     max_dist : maximum radius to search for points
     func     : covariance function (default is Gaussian)
        (pass a length parameter if using default)
     args     : arguments to pass to func
     kwargs   : keyword arguments to pass to func

     mat      : covariance matrix

     Increasing max_dist increases the number of nonzeros in the
     covariance matrix.

     func should always receive sigma and distance as first
     two inputs
    from scipy.spatial import cKDTree
    from petsc4py import PETSc

    ncov = len(sigma)
    nn = np.hstack(sigma).size
    if ncov < nn:
        # this means we have a piecewise covariance matrix
        if len(coords) != ncov or len(max_dist) != ncov:
            raise ValueError("sigma, coords, max_dist must be the same dimensions")

        # find the size of each list
        size = np.zeros(ncov, dtype=PETSc.IntType)
        nnz = []
        for j in range(0,ncov):
            size[j] = len(sigma[j])

            dist = np.linalg.norm(coords[j] - coords[j].mean(axis=0), axis=1)
            nnz_j = int(1.5*(dist <= max(max_dist[j])).sum())
            nnz.append( np.ones(size[j], dtype=PETSc.IntType)*nnz_j )

        nnz = np.clip(np.hstack(nnz), 1, 99999)

    elif ncov == nn:
        ncov = 1
        size = [len(sigma)]

        # find distance between coords and centroid
        dist = np.linalg.norm(coords - coords.mean(axis=0), axis=1)

        # pad these within a list object
        coords = [coords]
        max_dist = [np.ones_like(sigma)*max_dist]
        sigma = [sigma]

        nnz = int(1.5*(dist <= max(max_dist)).sum())

    # set up matrix
    mat = PETSc.Mat().create(comm)
    mat.setSizes((nn, nn))
    mat.setOption(PETSc.Mat.Option.NEW_NONZERO_ALLOCATION_ERR, 0)

    colsum = np.cumsum(np.insert(size, 0, 0))

    row = 0
    for j in range(0, ncov):
        icoord = coords[j]
        imax_dist = max_dist[j]
        isigma = sigma[j]

        # set up KDTree and max_dist to query
        tree = cKDTree(icoord)

        for i in range(0, size[j]):
            idx = tree.query_ball_point(icoord[i], imax_dist[i])
            dist = np.linalg.norm(icoord[i] - icoord[idx], axis=1)
            col = np.array(idx + colsum[j], dtype=PETSc.IntType)
            val = func(isigma[idx], dist, *args, **kwargs)
            mat.setValues(row, col, val)
            row += 1

    return mat
def create_covariance_matrix_index(sigma, coords, max_dist, index, func, *args, **kwargs)

Create a covariance matrix based on distance. Euclidean distance between a set of points is queried from a KDTree where max_dist sets the maximum radius between points to cut-off.


sigma : values of uncertainty for each point coords : coordindates in n-dimensions for each point max_dist : maximum radius to search for points index : map covariance function to regions of identical index func : covariance function (default is Gaussian) (pass a length parameter if using default) args : arguments to pass to func kwargs : keyword arguments to pass to func


mat : covariance matrix


Increasing max_dist increases the number of nonzeros in the covariance matrix.

func should always receive sigma and distance as first two inputs

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def create_covariance_matrix_index(sigma, coords, max_dist, index, func, *args, **kwargs):
    Create a covariance matrix based on distance.
    Euclidean distance between a set of points is queried from a KDTree
    where max_dist sets the maximum radius between points to cut-off.

     sigma    : values of uncertainty for each point
     coords   : coordindates in n-dimensions for each point
     max_dist : maximum radius to search for points
     index    : map covariance function to regions of identical index
     func     : covariance function (default is Gaussian)
        (pass a length parameter if using default)
     args     : arguments to pass to func
     kwargs   : keyword arguments to pass to func

     mat      : covariance matrix

     Increasing max_dist increases the number of nonzeros in the
     covariance matrix.

     func should always receive sigma and distance as first
     two inputs
    from scipy.spatial import cKDTree
    from petsc4py import PETSc

    size = len(sigma)

    # find distance between coords and centroid
    dist = np.linalg.norm(coords - coords.mean(axis=0), axis=1)
    nnz = int(1.5*(dist <= max_dist).sum())

    # set up matrix
    mat = PETSc.Mat().create(comm)
    mat.setSizes((size, size))
    mat.setOption(PETSc.Mat.Option.NEW_NONZERO_ALLOCATION_ERR, 0)
    lith_index = np.unique(index)

    for l in lith_index:
        indices = np.nonzero(index == l)[0].astype(PETSc.IntType)

        icoord = coords[indices]
        isigma = sigma[indices]
        tree = cKDTree(icoord)

        for i in indices:
            idx = tree.query_ball_point(coords[i], max_dist)
            dist = np.linalg.norm(coords[i] - icoord[idx], axis=1)
            row = i
            col = indices[idx]
            val = func(isigma[idx], dist, *args, **kwargs)
            mat.setValues(row, col, val)

    return mat
def gaussian(sigma, distance, length_scale)

Gaussian function

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def gaussian(sigma, distance, length_scale):
    Gaussian function
    return sigma**2 * np.exp(-distance**2/(2.0*length_scale**2))