Module conduction.inversion.nd_inverse_conduction
Copyright 2017 Ben Mather
This file is part of Conduction
Conduction is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or any later version.
Conduction is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with Conduction. If not, see
Expand source code
Copyright 2017 Ben Mather
This file is part of Conduction <>
Conduction is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or any later version.
Conduction is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
along with Conduction. If not, see <>.
try: range = xrange
except: pass
import numpy as np
from ..interpolation import RegularGridInterpolator, KDTreeInterpolator
from ..mesh import MeshVariable
from import sum_duplicates
from .objective_variables import InvPrior, InvObservation
from .grad_ad import gradient_ad as ad_grad
from mpi4py import MPI
from petsc4py import PETSc
class InversionND(object):
def __init__(self, lithology, mesh, lithology_index=None, **kwargs):
self.mesh = mesh
# update internal mask structures
self.update_lithology(lithology, lithology_index)
# Custom linear / nearest-neighbour interpolator
self.interp = RegularGridInterpolator(mesh.grid_coords[::-1],\
bounds_error=False, fill_value=np.nan)
self.ndinterp = KDTreeInterpolator(mesh.coords, np.zeros(mesh.nn),\
bounds_error=False, fill_value=0.0)
# Get weights for ghost points
mesh.gvec.set(0.0), mesh.gvec, addv=True), mesh.lvec)
self.ghost_weights = np.rint(mesh.lvec.array)
# We assume uniform grid spacing for now
delta = []
for i in range(0, mesh.dim):
dx = np.diff(mesh.grid_coords[i])
self.grid_delta = delta
# objective function dictionaries
self.observation = {}
self.prior = {}
# Initialise linear solver
self.ksp = self._initialise_ksp(**kwargs)
# these should be depreciated soon
self.temperature = self.mesh.gvec.duplicate()
self._temperature = self.mesh.gvec.duplicate()
self.iii = 0
def update_lithology(self, new_lithology, lithology_index=None):
Update the configuration of lithologies.
Internal mask structures are updated to reflect the change in
lithology configuration.
new_lithology : field on the mesh with integers indicating
: the position of particular lithologies
lithology_index : array corresponding to the total number of
: integers in new_lithology
lithology_index is determined from the min/max of elements
in new_lithology if lithology_index=None
new_lithology = np.array(new_lithology).ravel()
# sync across processors
new_lithology = self.mesh.sync(new_lithology)
new_lithology = new_lithology.astype(
if type(lithology_index) == type(None):
# query global vector for minx/max
iloc, lith_min = self.mesh.gvec.min()
iloc, lith_max = self.mesh.gvec.max()
# create lithology index
lithology_index = np.arange(int(lith_min), int(lith_max)+1)
nl = len(lithology_index)
lithology_mask = [i for i in range(nl)]
# create lithology mask
for i, index in enumerate(lithology_index):
lithology_mask[i] = np.nonzero(new_lithology == index)[0]
self.lithology_mask = lithology_mask
self.lithology_index = lithology_index
self._lithology = new_lithology
def lithology(self):
return self._lithology
def lithology(self, new_lithology):
def _initialise_ksp(self, matrix=None, atol=1e-10, rtol=1e-50, **kwargs):
Initialise linear solver object
if matrix is None:
matrix = self.mesh.mat
solver = kwargs.pop('solver', 'gmres')
precon = kwargs.pop('pc', None)
ksp = PETSc.KSP().create(comm)
ksp.setTolerances(atol, rtol)
if precon is not None:
pc = ksp.getPC()
return ksp
def get_boundary_conditions(self):
Retrieve the boundary conditions so they can be restored.
This is only useful in the adjoint linear solve where we must assert
Dirichlet BCs (I think)
order is [minX, maxX, minY, maxY, minZ, maxZ]
bc_vals : values at the boundary conditions
bc_flux : whether it is a Neumann boundary condition
dim = self.mesh.dim
bc_vals = np.empty(dim*2)
bc_flux = np.empty(dim*2, dtype=bool)
wall = [("minX", "maxX"), ("minY", "maxY"), ("minZ", "maxZ")]
for i in range(0, dim):
w0, w1 = wall[i]
i0, i1 = i*2, i*2+1
bc_vals[i0] = self.mesh.bc[w0]["val"]
bc_flux[i0] = self.mesh.bc[w0]["flux"]
bc_vals[i1] = self.mesh.bc[w1]["val"]
bc_flux[i1] = self.mesh.bc[w1]["flux"]
return bc_vals, bc_flux
def set_boundary_conditions(self, bc_vals, bc_flux):
Set the boundary conditions easily using two vectors
order is [minX, maxX, minY, maxY, minZ, maxZ]
bc_vals : values at the boundary conditions
bc_flux : whether it is a Neumann boundary condition
dim = self.mesh.dim
if len(bc_vals) != len(bc_flux) or len(bc_vals) != dim*2:
raise ValueError("Input vectors should be of size {}".format(dim*2))
wall = [("minX", "maxX"), ("minY", "maxY"), ("minZ", "maxZ")]
for i in range(0, dim):
w0, w1 = wall[i]
i0, i1 = i*2, i*2+1
self.mesh.bc[w0]["val"] = bc_vals[i0]
self.mesh.bc[w0]["flux"] = bc_flux[i0]
self.mesh.bc[w1]["val"] = bc_vals[i1]
self.mesh.bc[w1]["flux"] = bc_flux[i1]
def add_observation(self, **kwargs):
Add an observation to the Inversion routine.
These will automatically be called when the objective function is called
and will handle interpolation.
interp = self.interp
interp.values = self.ghost_weights.reshape(self.mesh.n)
for arg in kwargs:
obs = kwargs[arg]
if type(obs) is not InvObservation:
raise TypeError("Need to pass {} instead of {}".format(InvObservation,type(obs)))
# add interpolation information to obs
w = interp(obs.coords[:,::-1])
w = 1.0/np.floor(w + 1e-12)
offproc = np.isnan(w)
w[offproc] = 0.0 # these are weighted with zeros
obs.w = w # careful with 2x ghost nodes+
# store in dictionary
self.observation[arg] = obs
def add_prior(self, **kwargs):
Add a prior to the Inversion routine
for arg in kwargs:
prior = kwargs[arg]
if type(prior) is not InvPrior:
raise TypeError("Need to pass {} instead of {}".format(InvPrior, type(prior)))
prior.w = 1.0
# store in dictionary
self.prior[arg] = prior
def objective_routine(self, **kwargs):
This always comes at the end of the forward model (beginning of the adjoint)
so we can safely roll interpolation, cost into one method.
Argument is a field if it is an observation - so that we can interpolate it.
# ensure an objective function is provided
# if self.objective_function is None:
# raise ValueError("Pass an objective function")
c = np.array(0.0) # local prior values same as global
c_obs = np.array(0.0) # obs have to be summed over all procs
c_all = np.array(0.0) # sum of all obs
for arg in kwargs:
val = kwargs[arg]
if arg in self.prior:
prior = self.prior[arg]
if prior.cov is None:
c += self.objective_function(val, prior.v, prior.dv)
c += self.objective_function_lstsq(val, prior.v, prior.cov)
elif arg in self.observation:
obs = self.observation[arg]
# interpolation
ival = self.interpolate(val, obs.coords)
# weighting for ghost nodes
if obs.cov is None:
c_obs += self.objective_function(ival*obs.w, obs.v*obs.w, obs.dv)
c_obs += self.objective_function_lstsq(ival*obs.w, obs.v*obs.w, obs.cov)
comm.Allreduce([c_obs, MPI.DOUBLE], [c_all, MPI.DOUBLE], op=MPI.SUM)
c += c_all
return c
def objective_routine_ad(self, **kwargs):
dcdv = 0.0
for arg in kwargs:
val = kwargs[arg]
if arg in self.prior:
prior = self.prior[arg]
if prior.cov is None:
dcdv = self.objective_function_ad(val, prior.v, prior.dv)
dcdv = self.objective_function_lstsq_ad(val, prior.v, prior.cov)
elif arg in self.observation:
obs = self.observation[arg]
ival = self.interpolate(val, obs.coords)
if obs.cov is None:
dcdinterp = self.objective_function_ad(ival, obs.v, obs.dv)
dcdinterp = self.objective_function_lstsq_ad(ival*obs.w, obs.v*obs.w, obs.cov)
# interpolation
dcdv = self.interpolate_ad(dcdinterp, val, obs.coords)
# print arg, np.shape(val), np.shape(ival), np.shape(dcdv)
# sync
dcdv = self.mesh.sync(dcdv)
dcdv = np.zeros_like(val)
return dcdv
def create_covariance_matrix(self, sigma_x0, width=1, indexing='xy', fn=None, *args):
Create a covariance matrix assuming some function for variables on the mesh
By default this is Gaussian.
sigma_x0 : uncertainty values to insert into matrix
width : width of stencil for matrix (int)
i.e. extended number of neighbours for each node
indexing : use the xy coordinates of the mesh nodes or indices
set to 'xy' or 'ij'
fn : function to apply (default is Gaussian)
*args : input arguments to pass to fn
mat : covariance matrix
def gaussian_fn(sigma_x0, dist, length_scale):
return sigma_x0**2 * np.exp(-dist**2/(2*length_scale**2))
if type(fn) == type(None):
fn = gaussian_fn
nodes = self.mesh.nodes
nn = self.mesh.nn
n = self.mesh.n
dim = self.mesh.dim
if indexing == "xy":
coords = self.mesh.coords
elif indexing == "ij":
ic = []
for i in range(dim):
ic.append( np.arange(n[i]) )
cij = np.meshgrid(*ic, indexing="ij")
for i in range(dim):
cij[i] = cij[i].ravel()
coords = np.column_stack(cij)
# setup new stencil
stencil_width = 2*self.mesh.dim*width + 1
rows = np.empty((stencil_width, self.mesh.nn), dtype=PETSc.IntType)
cols = np.empty((stencil_width, self.mesh.nn), dtype=PETSc.IntType)
vals = np.empty((stencil_width, self.mesh.nn))
index = np.pad(nodes.reshape(n), width, 'constant', constant_values=-1)
sigma = np.pad(sigma_x0.reshape(n), width, 'constant', constant_values=0)
closure = []
for w in range(width, 0, -1):
closure_array = self.mesh._get_closure_array(dim, w, width)
closure.append(closure_array[-1]) # centre node at last
# create closure object
closure = self.mesh._create_closure_object(closure, width)
for i in range(0, stencil_width):
obj = closure[i]
rows[i] = nodes
cols[i] = index[obj].ravel()
distance = np.linalg.norm(coords[cols[i]] - coords, axis=1)
vals[i] = fn(sigma[obj].ravel(), distance, *args)
vals[cols < 0] = 0.0
vals[-1] = 0.0
row = rows.ravel()
col = cols.ravel()
val = vals.ravel()
# mask off-grid entries and sum duplicates
mask = col >= 0
row, col, val = sum_duplicates(row[mask], col[mask], val[mask])
nnz = np.bincount(row)
indptr = np.insert(np.cumsum(nnz),0,0)
nnz = (stencil_width, dim*2)
mat = self.mesh._initialise_matrix(nnz=nnz)
mat.setValuesLocalCSR(indptr.astype(PETSc.IntType), col, val)
# set diagonal vector
lvec = self.mesh.lvec
gvec = self.mesh.gvec
lvec.setArray(sigma_x0**2), gvec)
return mat
def create_covariance_matrix_kdtree(self, sigma_x0, width=1, indexing='xy', fn=None, *args):
Create a covariance matrix assuming some function for variables on the mesh.
By default this is Gaussian.
This uses a KDTree to determine distance between nodes, rather than the
matrix stencil indexing used by create_covariance_matrix
sigma_x0 : uncertainty values to insert into matrix
width : width of stencil for matrix (int)
i.e. extended number of neighbours for each node
indexing : use the xy coordinates of the mesh nodes or indices
set to 'xy' or 'ij'
fn : function to apply (default is Gaussian)
*args : input arguments to pass to fn
mat : covariance matrix
def gaussian_fn(sigma_x0, dist, length_scale):
return sigma_x0**2 * np.exp(-dist**2/(2*length_scale**2))
if type(fn) == type(None):
fn = gaussian_fn
nodes = self.mesh.nodes
nn = self.mesh.nn
n = self.mesh.n
dim = self.mesh.dim
if indexing == "xy":
coords = self.mesh.coords
tree = self.ndinterp.tree
elif indexing == "ij":
from scipy.spatial import cKDTree
ic = []
for i in range(dim):
ic.append( np.arange(n[i]) )
cij = np.meshgrid(*ic, indexing="ij")
for i in range(dim):
cij[i] = cij[i].ravel()
coords = np.column_stack(cij)
tree = cKDTree(coords)
# find distance between coords and centroid
dist = np.linalg.norm(coords - coords.mean(axis=0), axis=1)
nnz = int(1.5*(dist <= max_dist).sum())
mat = self.mesh._initialise_matrix(nnz=(nnz,1))
for i in range(0, nn):
idx = tree.query_ball_point(coords[i], max_dist)
dist = np.linalg.norm(coords[i] - coords[idx], axis=1)
row = i
col = idx
val = fn(sigma[idx], dist, *args, **kwargs)
mat.setValues(row, col, val)
return mat
def interpolate(self, field, xi, method="nearest"):
self.ndinterp.values = field #.reshape(self.mesh.n)
return self.ndinterp(xi, method=method)
def interpolate_ad(self, dxi, field, xi, method="nearest"):
self.ndinterp.values = field #.reshape(self.mesh.n)
return self.ndinterp.adjoint(xi, dxi, method=method) #.ravel()
def in_bounds(self, xi):
Find if coordinates are inside the local processor bounds
idx, d, bounds = self.ndinterp._find_indices(xi)
return bounds
def objective_function(self, x, x0, sigma_x0):
return np.sum(0.5*(x - x0)**2/sigma_x0**2)
def objective_function_ad(self, x, x0, sigma_x0):
return 0.5*(2.0*x - 2.0*x0)/sigma_x0**2
def objective_function_lstsq(self, x, x0, cov):
Nonlinear least squares objective function
ksp = self._initialise_ksp(cov, pc='lu')
misfit = np.array(x - x0)
lhs, rhs = cov.createVecs()
lindices = np.arange(0, misfit.size, dtype=PETSc.IntType)
rhs.setValues(lindices, misfit, PETSc.InsertMode.ADD_VALUES)
ksp.solve(rhs, lhs)
sol = rhs*lhs
return sol.sum()/comm.size
def objective_function_lstsq_ad(self, x, x0, cov):
Adjoint of the nonlinear least squares objective function
ksp = self._initialise_ksp(cov, pc='lu')
misfit = np.array(x - x0)
lhs, rhs = cov.createVecs()
lindices = np.arange(0, misfit.size, dtype=PETSc.IntType)
rhs.setValues(lindices, misfit, PETSc.InsertMode.ADD_VALUES)
ksp.solve(rhs, lhs)
toall, allvec = PETSc.Scatter.toAll(lhs)
toall.scatter(lhs, allvec, PETSc.InsertMode.INSERT)
return allvec.array
def map(self, *args):
Requires a tuple of vectors corresponding to an inversion variable
these are mapped to the mesh.
tuple(vec1, vec2, vecN) --> tuple(field1, field2, fieldN)
nf = len(args)
nl = len(self.lithology_index)
# preallocate local memory
mesh_variables = np.zeros((nf, self.mesh.nn))
# unpack vector to field
for i in range(0, nl):
idx = self.lithology_mask[i]
for f in range(nf):
mesh_variables[f,idx] = args[f][i]
# sync fields across processors
for f in range(nf):
mesh_variables[f] = self.mesh.sync(mesh_variables[f])
return list(mesh_variables)
def map_ad(self, *args):
Map mesh variables back to the list
nf = len(args)
nl = len(self.lithology_index)
# sync fields across processors
mesh_variables = np.zeros((nf, self.mesh.nn))
for f in range(nf):
mesh_variables[f] = self.mesh.sync(args[f])
lith_variables = np.zeros((nf, self.lithology_index.size))
all_lith_variables = np.zeros_like(lith_variables)
for i in range(0, nl):
idx = self.lithology_mask[i]
for f in range(nf):
lith_variables[f,i] += (mesh_variables[f]/self.ghost_weights)[idx].sum()
comm.Allreduce([lith_variables, MPI.DOUBLE], [all_lith_variables, MPI.DOUBLE], op=MPI.SUM)
return list(all_lith_variables)
def create_wall_map(self, wall, *args):
coords = self.mesh.coords
dim = self.mesh.dim
bbox =
sizes =
# Setup boundary dictionary
bc = dict()
wall = [("minX", "maxX"), ("minY", "maxY"), ("minZ", "maxZ")]
for i in range(0, dim):
w0, w1 = wall[i]
c0, c1 = bbox[i]
m0, m1 = coords[:,i] == c0, coords[:,i] == c1
self.boundary_index = boundary_index
def map_wall(self, wall, *args):
Map lists of arguments to a boundary wall
if wall not in self.mesh.bc:
raise ValueError("wall must be one of {}".format(self.mesh.bc.keys()))
if len(args) +1 != self.mesh.dim:
# +1 because it's a plane
raise ValueError("dimensions of lists must equal number of dimensions")
axis = None
sizes = list(
extent = np.reshape(self.mesh.extent, (-1,2))
extent_bc = np.delete(extent, axis, axis=0)
gcoords = []
sizes = []
for i in self.mesh.dim:
if i != axis:
coords = self.mesh.grid_coords[i]
ix = np.meshgrid(gcoords)
# 0. divide wall into chunks based on the length of args
# 1. find if proc contains bc mask
# 2. map chunk to the bc
bc_mask = self.mesh.bc[bc]['mask']
if bc_mask.any():
def linear_solve(self, matrix=None, rhs=None):
if matrix == None:
matrix = self.mesh.construct_matrix()
if rhs == None:
rhs = self.mesh.construct_rhs()
gvec = self.mesh.gvec
lvec = self.mesh.lvec
res = self.mesh.temperature
# res._gdata.setArray(rhs._gdata)
self.ksp.solve(rhs._gdata, res._gdata)
return res[:].copy()
def linear_solve_ad(self, T, dT, matrix=None, rhs=None):
If dT = 0, adjoint=False : no need for this routine
If dT != 0 and inside lithology, lith_size > 0
adjoint = np.array(False)
lith_size = np.array(0.0)
idxT = np.nonzero(dT != 0.0)[0]
nT = idxT.any()
comm.Allreduce([nT, MPI.BOOL], [adjoint, MPI.BOOL], op=MPI.LOR)
if adjoint:
if matrix == None:
matrix = self.mesh.construct_matrix(in_place=True)
if rhs == None:
rhs = self.mesh.rhs
rhs[:] = dT
gvec = self.mesh.gvec
lvec = self.mesh.lvec
res = self.mesh.temperature
res[:] = T
# adjoint b vec
db_ad = lvec.duplicate()
self.ksp.solveTranspose(rhs._gdata, gvec), db_ad)
# adjoint A mat
dk_ad = np.zeros_like(T)
# self.mesh.boundary_condition('maxZ', 0.0, flux=False) # not ND!!
dT_ad = dT[:]
kappa = np.zeros_like(T)
nl = len(self.lithology_index)
for i in range(0, nl):
# find if there are nonzero dT that intersect a lithology
idxM = self.lithology_mask[i]
idx_n = np.intersect1d(idxT, idxM)
gnodes = self.ghost_weights[idx_n]
local_size = np.array(float(idx_n.size)) - np.sum(1.0 - 1.0/gnodes) # ghost nodes
comm.Allreduce([local_size, MPI.DOUBLE], [lith_size, MPI.DOUBLE], op=MPI.SUM)
# print comm.rank, i, lith_size, idx_n.size
if lith_size > 0:
kappa[idxM] = 1.0
self.mesh.diffusivity[:] = kappa
dAdkl = self.mesh.construct_matrix(in_place=False, derivative=True)
dAdklT = dAdkl * res._gdata
gvec.setArray(dAdklT) # try make the solution somewhat close
self.ksp.solve(dAdklT, gvec), lvec)
# need to call sum on the global vec
dk_local = (dT_ad*lvec.array)/lith_size
lvec.setArray(dk_local), gvec)
gdot = gvec.sum()
if local_size > 0:
# splatter inside vector
dk_ad[idx_n] += gdot
dk_ad = self.mesh.sync(dk_ad)
return dk_ad, db_ad.array
return np.zeros_like(T), np.zeros_like(T)
def gradient(self, f):
Calculate the derivatives of f in each dimension.
f : ndarray shape(n,)
grad_f : ndarray shape(3,n)
grad = np.gradient(f.reshape(self.mesh.n), *self.grid_delta[::-1])
return np.array(grad).reshape(self.mesh.dim, -1)
def gradient_ad(self, df, f):
inshape = [self.mesh.dim] + list(self.mesh.n)
grad_ad = ad_grad(df.reshape(inshape), *self.grid_delta[::-1])
return grad_ad.ravel()
def heatflux(self, T, k):
Calculate heat flux.
T : ndarray shape(n,) temperature
k : ndarray shape(n,) conductivity
q : ndarray shape(3,n), heatflux vectors
return -k*self.gradient(T)
def heatflux_ad(self, dq, q, T, k):
dqddelT = -k
dqdk = -self.gradient(T)
ddelT = dqddelT*dq
dk = dqdk*dq
inshape = [self.mesh.dim] + list(self.mesh.n)
dT = self.gradient_ad(ddelT, T)
return dT.ravel(), dk.sum(axis=0)
def add_perplex_table(self, TPtable):
Add Perplex table.
Performs checks to make sure all lithologies exist inside
the table.
from import PerplexTable
if type(TPtable) is PerplexTable:
for idx in self.lithology_index:
if idx not in TPtable.table:
raise ValueError('{} not in TPtable'.format(idx))
self.TPtable = TPtable
raise ValueError('TPtable is incorrect type')
def lookup_velocity(self, T=None, P=None):
Lookup velocity from VelocityTable object (vtable)
T : temperature (optional)
taken from active mesh variable if not given
P : pressure (optional)
calculated from depth assuming a constant density of 2700 kg/m^3
table : everything in the table for given nodes
if T is None:
T = self.mesh.temperature[:]
if P is None:
z = np.absolute(self.mesh.coords[:,-1])
rho = 2700.0
r = 6.38e6 # radius of the Earth
M = 5.98e24 # mass of the Earth
G = 6.673e-11 # gravitational constant
g = G*M/(r-z)**2
P = rho*g*z*1e-5
nl = len(self.lithology_index)
nf = self.TPtable.ncol
# preallocate memory
V = np.zeros((nf, self.mesh.nn))
for i in range(0, nl):
idx = self.lithology_mask[i]
lith_idx = self.lithology_index[i]
V[:,idx] = self.TPtable(T[idx], P[idx], lith_idx).T
return V
class InversionND (lithology, mesh, lithology_index=None, **kwargs)
Expand source code
class InversionND(object): def __init__(self, lithology, mesh, lithology_index=None, **kwargs): self.mesh = mesh # update internal mask structures self.update_lithology(lithology, lithology_index) # Custom linear / nearest-neighbour interpolator self.interp = RegularGridInterpolator(mesh.grid_coords[::-1],\ np.zeros(mesh.n),\ bounds_error=False, fill_value=np.nan) self.ndinterp = KDTreeInterpolator(mesh.coords, np.zeros(mesh.nn),\ bounds_error=False, fill_value=0.0) # Get weights for ghost points mesh.lvec.set(1.0) mesh.gvec.set(0.0), mesh.gvec, addv=True), mesh.lvec) self.ghost_weights = np.rint(mesh.lvec.array) # We assume uniform grid spacing for now delta = [] for i in range(0, mesh.dim): dx = np.diff(mesh.grid_coords[i]) delta.append(dx.mean()) self.grid_delta = delta # objective function dictionaries self.observation = {} self.prior = {} # Initialise linear solver self.ksp = self._initialise_ksp(**kwargs) # these should be depreciated soon self.temperature = self.mesh.gvec.duplicate() self._temperature = self.mesh.gvec.duplicate() self.iii = 0 def update_lithology(self, new_lithology, lithology_index=None): """ Update the configuration of lithologies. Internal mask structures are updated to reflect the change in lithology configuration. Arguments --------- new_lithology : field on the mesh with integers indicating : the position of particular lithologies lithology_index : array corresponding to the total number of : integers in new_lithology Notes ----- lithology_index is determined from the min/max of elements in new_lithology if lithology_index=None """ new_lithology = np.array(new_lithology).ravel() # sync across processors new_lithology = self.mesh.sync(new_lithology) new_lithology = new_lithology.astype( if type(lithology_index) == type(None): # query global vector for minx/max iloc, lith_min = self.mesh.gvec.min() iloc, lith_max = self.mesh.gvec.max() # create lithology index lithology_index = np.arange(int(lith_min), int(lith_max)+1) nl = len(lithology_index) lithology_mask = [i for i in range(nl)] # create lithology mask for i, index in enumerate(lithology_index): lithology_mask[i] = np.nonzero(new_lithology == index)[0] self.lithology_mask = lithology_mask self.lithology_index = lithology_index self._lithology = new_lithology return @property def lithology(self): return self._lithology @lithology.setter def lithology(self, new_lithology): self.update_lithology(new_lithology) def _initialise_ksp(self, matrix=None, atol=1e-10, rtol=1e-50, **kwargs): """ Initialise linear solver object """ if matrix is None: matrix = self.mesh.mat solver = kwargs.pop('solver', 'gmres') precon = kwargs.pop('pc', None) ksp = PETSc.KSP().create(comm) ksp.setType(solver) ksp.setOperators(matrix) ksp.setTolerances(atol, rtol) if precon is not None: pc = ksp.getPC() pc.setType(precon) ksp.setFromOptions() return ksp def get_boundary_conditions(self): """ Retrieve the boundary conditions so they can be restored. This is only useful in the adjoint linear solve where we must assert Dirichlet BCs (I think) order is [minX, maxX, minY, maxY, minZ, maxZ] Returns ------- bc_vals : values at the boundary conditions bc_flux : whether it is a Neumann boundary condition """ dim = self.mesh.dim bc_vals = np.empty(dim*2) bc_flux = np.empty(dim*2, dtype=bool) wall = [("minX", "maxX"), ("minY", "maxY"), ("minZ", "maxZ")] for i in range(0, dim): w0, w1 = wall[i] i0, i1 = i*2, i*2+1 bc_vals[i0] = self.mesh.bc[w0]["val"] bc_flux[i0] = self.mesh.bc[w0]["flux"] bc_vals[i1] = self.mesh.bc[w1]["val"] bc_flux[i1] = self.mesh.bc[w1]["flux"] return bc_vals, bc_flux def set_boundary_conditions(self, bc_vals, bc_flux): """ Set the boundary conditions easily using two vectors order is [minX, maxX, minY, maxY, minZ, maxZ] Parameters ------- bc_vals : values at the boundary conditions bc_flux : whether it is a Neumann boundary condition """ dim = self.mesh.dim if len(bc_vals) != len(bc_flux) or len(bc_vals) != dim*2: raise ValueError("Input vectors should be of size {}".format(dim*2)) wall = [("minX", "maxX"), ("minY", "maxY"), ("minZ", "maxZ")] for i in range(0, dim): w0, w1 = wall[i] i0, i1 = i*2, i*2+1 self.mesh.bc[w0]["val"] = bc_vals[i0] self.mesh.bc[w0]["flux"] = bc_flux[i0] self.mesh.bc[w1]["val"] = bc_vals[i1] self.mesh.bc[w1]["flux"] = bc_flux[i1] def add_observation(self, **kwargs): """ Add an observation to the Inversion routine. These will automatically be called when the objective function is called and will handle interpolation. """ interp = self.interp interp.values = self.ghost_weights.reshape(self.mesh.n) for arg in kwargs: obs = kwargs[arg] if type(obs) is not InvObservation: raise TypeError("Need to pass {} instead of {}".format(InvObservation,type(obs))) # add interpolation information to obs w = interp(obs.coords[:,::-1]) w = 1.0/np.floor(w + 1e-12) offproc = np.isnan(w) w[offproc] = 0.0 # these are weighted with zeros obs.w = w # careful with 2x ghost nodes+ # store in dictionary self.observation[arg] = obs def add_prior(self, **kwargs): """ Add a prior to the Inversion routine """ for arg in kwargs: prior = kwargs[arg] if type(prior) is not InvPrior: raise TypeError("Need to pass {} instead of {}".format(InvPrior, type(prior))) prior.w = 1.0 # store in dictionary self.prior[arg] = prior def objective_routine(self, **kwargs): """ This always comes at the end of the forward model (beginning of the adjoint) so we can safely roll interpolation, cost into one method. Argument is a field if it is an observation - so that we can interpolate it. """ # ensure an objective function is provided # if self.objective_function is None: # raise ValueError("Pass an objective function") c = np.array(0.0) # local prior values same as global c_obs = np.array(0.0) # obs have to be summed over all procs c_all = np.array(0.0) # sum of all obs for arg in kwargs: val = kwargs[arg] if arg in self.prior: prior = self.prior[arg] if prior.cov is None: c += self.objective_function(val, prior.v, prior.dv) else: c += self.objective_function_lstsq(val, prior.v, prior.cov) elif arg in self.observation: obs = self.observation[arg] # interpolation ival = self.interpolate(val, obs.coords) # weighting for ghost nodes if obs.cov is None: c_obs += self.objective_function(ival*obs.w, obs.v*obs.w, obs.dv) else: c_obs += self.objective_function_lstsq(ival*obs.w, obs.v*obs.w, obs.cov) comm.Allreduce([c_obs, MPI.DOUBLE], [c_all, MPI.DOUBLE], op=MPI.SUM) c += c_all return c def objective_routine_ad(self, **kwargs): dcdv = 0.0 for arg in kwargs: val = kwargs[arg] if arg in self.prior: prior = self.prior[arg] if prior.cov is None: dcdv = self.objective_function_ad(val, prior.v, prior.dv) else: dcdv = self.objective_function_lstsq_ad(val, prior.v, prior.cov) elif arg in self.observation: obs = self.observation[arg] ival = self.interpolate(val, obs.coords) if obs.cov is None: dcdinterp = self.objective_function_ad(ival, obs.v, obs.dv) else: dcdinterp = self.objective_function_lstsq_ad(ival*obs.w, obs.v*obs.w, obs.cov) # interpolation dcdv = self.interpolate_ad(dcdinterp, val, obs.coords) # print arg, np.shape(val), np.shape(ival), np.shape(dcdv) # sync dcdv = self.mesh.sync(dcdv) else: dcdv = np.zeros_like(val) return dcdv def create_covariance_matrix(self, sigma_x0, width=1, indexing='xy', fn=None, *args): """ Create a covariance matrix assuming some function for variables on the mesh By default this is Gaussian. Arguments --------- sigma_x0 : uncertainty values to insert into matrix width : width of stencil for matrix (int) i.e. extended number of neighbours for each node indexing : use the xy coordinates of the mesh nodes or indices set to 'xy' or 'ij' fn : function to apply (default is Gaussian) *args : input arguments to pass to fn Returns ------- mat : covariance matrix """ def gaussian_fn(sigma_x0, dist, length_scale): return sigma_x0**2 * np.exp(-dist**2/(2*length_scale**2)) if type(fn) == type(None): fn = gaussian_fn nodes = self.mesh.nodes nn = self.mesh.nn n = self.mesh.n dim = self.mesh.dim if indexing == "xy": coords = self.mesh.coords elif indexing == "ij": ic = [] for i in range(dim): ic.append( np.arange(n[i]) ) cij = np.meshgrid(*ic, indexing="ij") for i in range(dim): cij[i] = cij[i].ravel() coords = np.column_stack(cij) # setup new stencil stencil_width = 2*self.mesh.dim*width + 1 rows = np.empty((stencil_width, self.mesh.nn), dtype=PETSc.IntType) cols = np.empty((stencil_width, self.mesh.nn), dtype=PETSc.IntType) vals = np.empty((stencil_width, self.mesh.nn)) index = np.pad(nodes.reshape(n), width, 'constant', constant_values=-1) sigma = np.pad(sigma_x0.reshape(n), width, 'constant', constant_values=0) closure = [] for w in range(width, 0, -1): closure_array = self.mesh._get_closure_array(dim, w, width) closure.extend(closure_array[:-1]) closure.append(closure_array[-1]) # centre node at last # create closure object closure = self.mesh._create_closure_object(closure, width) for i in range(0, stencil_width): obj = closure[i] rows[i] = nodes cols[i] = index[obj].ravel() distance = np.linalg.norm(coords[cols[i]] - coords, axis=1) vals[i] = fn(sigma[obj].ravel(), distance, *args) vals[cols < 0] = 0.0 vals[-1] = 0.0 row = rows.ravel() col = cols.ravel() val = vals.ravel() # mask off-grid entries and sum duplicates mask = col >= 0 row, col, val = sum_duplicates(row[mask], col[mask], val[mask]) nnz = np.bincount(row) indptr = np.insert(np.cumsum(nnz),0,0) nnz = (stencil_width, dim*2) mat = self.mesh._initialise_matrix(nnz=nnz) mat.assemblyBegin() mat.setValuesLocalCSR(indptr.astype(PETSc.IntType), col, val) mat.assemblyEnd() # set diagonal vector lvec = self.mesh.lvec gvec = self.mesh.gvec lvec.setArray(sigma_x0**2), gvec) mat.setDiagonal(gvec) return mat def create_covariance_matrix_kdtree(self, sigma_x0, width=1, indexing='xy', fn=None, *args): """ Create a covariance matrix assuming some function for variables on the mesh. By default this is Gaussian. This uses a KDTree to determine distance between nodes, rather than the matrix stencil indexing used by create_covariance_matrix Arguments --------- sigma_x0 : uncertainty values to insert into matrix width : width of stencil for matrix (int) i.e. extended number of neighbours for each node indexing : use the xy coordinates of the mesh nodes or indices set to 'xy' or 'ij' fn : function to apply (default is Gaussian) *args : input arguments to pass to fn Returns ------- mat : covariance matrix """ def gaussian_fn(sigma_x0, dist, length_scale): return sigma_x0**2 * np.exp(-dist**2/(2*length_scale**2)) if type(fn) == type(None): fn = gaussian_fn nodes = self.mesh.nodes nn = self.mesh.nn n = self.mesh.n dim = self.mesh.dim if indexing == "xy": coords = self.mesh.coords tree = self.ndinterp.tree elif indexing == "ij": from scipy.spatial import cKDTree ic = [] for i in range(dim): ic.append( np.arange(n[i]) ) cij = np.meshgrid(*ic, indexing="ij") for i in range(dim): cij[i] = cij[i].ravel() coords = np.column_stack(cij) tree = cKDTree(coords) # find distance between coords and centroid dist = np.linalg.norm(coords - coords.mean(axis=0), axis=1) nnz = int(1.5*(dist <= max_dist).sum()) mat = self.mesh._initialise_matrix(nnz=(nnz,1)) mat.assemblyBegin() for i in range(0, nn): idx = tree.query_ball_point(coords[i], max_dist) dist = np.linalg.norm(coords[i] - coords[idx], axis=1) row = i col = idx val = fn(sigma[idx], dist, *args, **kwargs) mat.setValues(row, col, val) mat.assemblyEnd() return mat def interpolate(self, field, xi, method="nearest"): self.ndinterp.values = field #.reshape(self.mesh.n) return self.ndinterp(xi, method=method) def interpolate_ad(self, dxi, field, xi, method="nearest"): self.ndinterp.values = field #.reshape(self.mesh.n) return self.ndinterp.adjoint(xi, dxi, method=method) #.ravel() def in_bounds(self, xi): """ Find if coordinates are inside the local processor bounds """ idx, d, bounds = self.ndinterp._find_indices(xi) return bounds def objective_function(self, x, x0, sigma_x0): return np.sum(0.5*(x - x0)**2/sigma_x0**2) def objective_function_ad(self, x, x0, sigma_x0): return 0.5*(2.0*x - 2.0*x0)/sigma_x0**2 def objective_function_lstsq(self, x, x0, cov): """ Nonlinear least squares objective function """ ksp = self._initialise_ksp(cov, pc='lu') misfit = np.array(x - x0) lhs, rhs = cov.createVecs() rhs.set(0.0) lindices = np.arange(0, misfit.size, dtype=PETSc.IntType) rhs.setValues(lindices, misfit, PETSc.InsertMode.ADD_VALUES) rhs.assemble() ksp.solve(rhs, lhs) sol = rhs*lhs sol.scale(0.5) ksp.destroy() lhs.destroy() rhs.destroy() return sol.sum()/comm.size def objective_function_lstsq_ad(self, x, x0, cov): """ Adjoint of the nonlinear least squares objective function """ ksp = self._initialise_ksp(cov, pc='lu') misfit = np.array(x - x0) lhs, rhs = cov.createVecs() rhs.set(0.0) lindices = np.arange(0, misfit.size, dtype=PETSc.IntType) rhs.setValues(lindices, misfit, PETSc.InsertMode.ADD_VALUES) rhs.assemble() ksp.solve(rhs, lhs) toall, allvec = PETSc.Scatter.toAll(lhs) toall.scatter(lhs, allvec, PETSc.InsertMode.INSERT) ksp.destroy() lhs.destroy() return allvec.array def map(self, *args): """ Requires a tuple of vectors corresponding to an inversion variable these are mapped to the mesh. tuple(vec1, vec2, vecN) --> tuple(field1, field2, fieldN) """ nf = len(args) nl = len(self.lithology_index) # preallocate local memory mesh_variables = np.zeros((nf, self.mesh.nn)) # unpack vector to field for i in range(0, nl): idx = self.lithology_mask[i] for f in range(nf): mesh_variables[f,idx] = args[f][i] # sync fields across processors for f in range(nf): mesh_variables[f] = self.mesh.sync(mesh_variables[f]) return list(mesh_variables) def map_ad(self, *args): """ Map mesh variables back to the list """ nf = len(args) nl = len(self.lithology_index) # sync fields across processors mesh_variables = np.zeros((nf, self.mesh.nn)) for f in range(nf): mesh_variables[f] = self.mesh.sync(args[f]) lith_variables = np.zeros((nf, self.lithology_index.size)) all_lith_variables = np.zeros_like(lith_variables) for i in range(0, nl): idx = self.lithology_mask[i] for f in range(nf): lith_variables[f,i] += (mesh_variables[f]/self.ghost_weights)[idx].sum() comm.Allreduce([lith_variables, MPI.DOUBLE], [all_lith_variables, MPI.DOUBLE], op=MPI.SUM) return list(all_lith_variables) def create_wall_map(self, wall, *args): coords = self.mesh.coords dim = self.mesh.dim bbox = sizes = # Setup boundary dictionary bc = dict() wall = [("minX", "maxX"), ("minY", "maxY"), ("minZ", "maxZ")] for i in range(0, dim): w0, w1 = wall[i] c0, c1 = bbox[i] m0, m1 = coords[:,i] == c0, coords[:,i] == c1 self.boundary_index = boundary_index def map_wall(self, wall, *args): """ Map lists of arguments to a boundary wall """ if wall not in self.mesh.bc: raise ValueError("wall must be one of {}".format(self.mesh.bc.keys())) if len(args) +1 != self.mesh.dim: # +1 because it's a plane raise ValueError("dimensions of lists must equal number of dimensions") axis = None sizes = list( sizes.pop(axis) extent = np.reshape(self.mesh.extent, (-1,2)) extent_bc = np.delete(extent, axis, axis=0) gcoords = [] sizes = [] for i in self.mesh.dim: if i != axis: coords = self.mesh.grid_coords[i] gcoords.append(coords) sizes.append(coords.size) ix = np.meshgrid(gcoords) # 0. divide wall into chunks based on the length of args # 1. find if proc contains bc mask # 2. map chunk to the bc bc_mask = self.mesh.bc[bc]['mask'] if bc_mask.any(): pass def linear_solve(self, matrix=None, rhs=None): if matrix == None: matrix = self.mesh.construct_matrix() if rhs == None: rhs = self.mesh.construct_rhs() gvec = self.mesh.gvec lvec = self.mesh.lvec res = self.mesh.temperature # res._gdata.setArray(rhs._gdata) self.ksp.setOperators(matrix) self.ksp.solve(rhs._gdata, res._gdata) return res[:].copy() def linear_solve_ad(self, T, dT, matrix=None, rhs=None): """ If dT = 0, adjoint=False : no need for this routine If dT != 0 and inside lithology, lith_size > 0 """ adjoint = np.array(False) lith_size = np.array(0.0) idxT = np.nonzero(dT != 0.0)[0] nT = idxT.any() comm.Allreduce([nT, MPI.BOOL], [adjoint, MPI.BOOL], op=MPI.LOR) if adjoint: if matrix == None: matrix = self.mesh.construct_matrix(in_place=True) if rhs == None: rhs = self.mesh.rhs rhs[:] = dT gvec = self.mesh.gvec lvec = self.mesh.lvec res = self.mesh.temperature res[:] = T # adjoint b vec db_ad = lvec.duplicate() gvec.setArray(rhs._gdata) self.ksp.solveTranspose(rhs._gdata, gvec), db_ad) # adjoint A mat dk_ad = np.zeros_like(T) matrix.scale(-1.0) # self.mesh.boundary_condition('maxZ', 0.0, flux=False) # not ND!! dT_ad = dT[:] kappa = np.zeros_like(T) nl = len(self.lithology_index) for i in range(0, nl): # find if there are nonzero dT that intersect a lithology idxM = self.lithology_mask[i] idx_n = np.intersect1d(idxT, idxM) gnodes = self.ghost_weights[idx_n] local_size = np.array(float(idx_n.size)) - np.sum(1.0 - 1.0/gnodes) # ghost nodes comm.Allreduce([local_size, MPI.DOUBLE], [lith_size, MPI.DOUBLE], op=MPI.SUM) # print comm.rank, i, lith_size, idx_n.size if lith_size > 0: kappa.fill(0.0) kappa[idxM] = 1.0 self.mesh.diffusivity[:] = kappa dAdkl = self.mesh.construct_matrix(in_place=False, derivative=True) dAdklT = dAdkl * res._gdata gvec.setArray(dAdklT) # try make the solution somewhat close self.ksp.solve(dAdklT, gvec), lvec) # need to call sum on the global vec dk_local = (dT_ad*lvec.array)/lith_size lvec.setArray(dk_local), gvec) gdot = gvec.sum() if local_size > 0: # splatter inside vector dk_ad[idx_n] += gdot dk_ad = self.mesh.sync(dk_ad) return dk_ad, db_ad.array else: return np.zeros_like(T), np.zeros_like(T) def gradient(self, f): """ Calculate the derivatives of f in each dimension. Parameters ---------- f : ndarray shape(n,) Returns ------- grad_f : ndarray shape(3,n) """ grad = np.gradient(f.reshape(self.mesh.n), *self.grid_delta[::-1]) return np.array(grad).reshape(self.mesh.dim, -1) def gradient_ad(self, df, f): inshape = [self.mesh.dim] + list(self.mesh.n) grad_ad = ad_grad(df.reshape(inshape), *self.grid_delta[::-1]) return grad_ad.ravel() def heatflux(self, T, k): """ Calculate heat flux. Arguments --------- T : ndarray shape(n,) temperature k : ndarray shape(n,) conductivity Returns ------- q : ndarray shape(3,n), heatflux vectors """ return -k*self.gradient(T) def heatflux_ad(self, dq, q, T, k): dqddelT = -k dqdk = -self.gradient(T) ddelT = dqddelT*dq dk = dqdk*dq inshape = [self.mesh.dim] + list(self.mesh.n) dT = self.gradient_ad(ddelT, T) return dT.ravel(), dk.sum(axis=0) def add_perplex_table(self, TPtable): """ Add Perplex table. Performs checks to make sure all lithologies exist inside the table. """ from import PerplexTable if type(TPtable) is PerplexTable: for idx in self.lithology_index: if idx not in TPtable.table: raise ValueError('{} not in TPtable'.format(idx)) self.TPtable = TPtable else: raise ValueError('TPtable is incorrect type') def lookup_velocity(self, T=None, P=None): """ Lookup velocity from VelocityTable object (vtable) Parameters ---------- T : temperature (optional) taken from active mesh variable if not given P : pressure (optional) calculated from depth assuming a constant density of 2700 kg/m^3 Returns ------- table : everything in the table for given nodes """ if T is None: T = self.mesh.temperature[:] if P is None: z = np.absolute(self.mesh.coords[:,-1]) rho = 2700.0 r = 6.38e6 # radius of the Earth M = 5.98e24 # mass of the Earth G = 6.673e-11 # gravitational constant g = G*M/(r-z)**2 P = rho*g*z*1e-5 nl = len(self.lithology_index) nf = self.TPtable.ncol # preallocate memory V = np.zeros((nf, self.mesh.nn)) for i in range(0, nl): idx = self.lithology_mask[i] lith_idx = self.lithology_index[i] V[:,idx] = self.TPtable(T[idx], P[idx], lith_idx).T return V
Instance variables
var lithology
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@property def lithology(self): return self._lithology
def add_observation(self, **kwargs)
Add an observation to the Inversion routine. These will automatically be called when the objective function is called and will handle interpolation.
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def add_observation(self, **kwargs): """ Add an observation to the Inversion routine. These will automatically be called when the objective function is called and will handle interpolation. """ interp = self.interp interp.values = self.ghost_weights.reshape(self.mesh.n) for arg in kwargs: obs = kwargs[arg] if type(obs) is not InvObservation: raise TypeError("Need to pass {} instead of {}".format(InvObservation,type(obs))) # add interpolation information to obs w = interp(obs.coords[:,::-1]) w = 1.0/np.floor(w + 1e-12) offproc = np.isnan(w) w[offproc] = 0.0 # these are weighted with zeros obs.w = w # careful with 2x ghost nodes+ # store in dictionary self.observation[arg] = obs
def add_perplex_table(self, TPtable)
Add Perplex table.
Performs checks to make sure all lithologies exist inside the table.
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def add_perplex_table(self, TPtable): """ Add Perplex table. Performs checks to make sure all lithologies exist inside the table. """ from import PerplexTable if type(TPtable) is PerplexTable: for idx in self.lithology_index: if idx not in TPtable.table: raise ValueError('{} not in TPtable'.format(idx)) self.TPtable = TPtable else: raise ValueError('TPtable is incorrect type')
def add_prior(self, **kwargs)
Add a prior to the Inversion routine
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def add_prior(self, **kwargs): """ Add a prior to the Inversion routine """ for arg in kwargs: prior = kwargs[arg] if type(prior) is not InvPrior: raise TypeError("Need to pass {} instead of {}".format(InvPrior, type(prior))) prior.w = 1.0 # store in dictionary self.prior[arg] = prior
def create_covariance_matrix(self, sigma_x0, width=1, indexing='xy', fn=None, *args)
Create a covariance matrix assuming some function for variables on the mesh By default this is Gaussian.
sigma_x0 : uncertainty values to insert into matrix width : width of stencil for matrix (int) i.e. extended number of neighbours for each node indexing : use the xy coordinates of the mesh nodes or indices set to 'xy' or 'ij' fn : function to apply (default is Gaussian) *args : input arguments to pass to fn
mat : covariance matrix
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def create_covariance_matrix(self, sigma_x0, width=1, indexing='xy', fn=None, *args): """ Create a covariance matrix assuming some function for variables on the mesh By default this is Gaussian. Arguments --------- sigma_x0 : uncertainty values to insert into matrix width : width of stencil for matrix (int) i.e. extended number of neighbours for each node indexing : use the xy coordinates of the mesh nodes or indices set to 'xy' or 'ij' fn : function to apply (default is Gaussian) *args : input arguments to pass to fn Returns ------- mat : covariance matrix """ def gaussian_fn(sigma_x0, dist, length_scale): return sigma_x0**2 * np.exp(-dist**2/(2*length_scale**2)) if type(fn) == type(None): fn = gaussian_fn nodes = self.mesh.nodes nn = self.mesh.nn n = self.mesh.n dim = self.mesh.dim if indexing == "xy": coords = self.mesh.coords elif indexing == "ij": ic = [] for i in range(dim): ic.append( np.arange(n[i]) ) cij = np.meshgrid(*ic, indexing="ij") for i in range(dim): cij[i] = cij[i].ravel() coords = np.column_stack(cij) # setup new stencil stencil_width = 2*self.mesh.dim*width + 1 rows = np.empty((stencil_width, self.mesh.nn), dtype=PETSc.IntType) cols = np.empty((stencil_width, self.mesh.nn), dtype=PETSc.IntType) vals = np.empty((stencil_width, self.mesh.nn)) index = np.pad(nodes.reshape(n), width, 'constant', constant_values=-1) sigma = np.pad(sigma_x0.reshape(n), width, 'constant', constant_values=0) closure = [] for w in range(width, 0, -1): closure_array = self.mesh._get_closure_array(dim, w, width) closure.extend(closure_array[:-1]) closure.append(closure_array[-1]) # centre node at last # create closure object closure = self.mesh._create_closure_object(closure, width) for i in range(0, stencil_width): obj = closure[i] rows[i] = nodes cols[i] = index[obj].ravel() distance = np.linalg.norm(coords[cols[i]] - coords, axis=1) vals[i] = fn(sigma[obj].ravel(), distance, *args) vals[cols < 0] = 0.0 vals[-1] = 0.0 row = rows.ravel() col = cols.ravel() val = vals.ravel() # mask off-grid entries and sum duplicates mask = col >= 0 row, col, val = sum_duplicates(row[mask], col[mask], val[mask]) nnz = np.bincount(row) indptr = np.insert(np.cumsum(nnz),0,0) nnz = (stencil_width, dim*2) mat = self.mesh._initialise_matrix(nnz=nnz) mat.assemblyBegin() mat.setValuesLocalCSR(indptr.astype(PETSc.IntType), col, val) mat.assemblyEnd() # set diagonal vector lvec = self.mesh.lvec gvec = self.mesh.gvec lvec.setArray(sigma_x0**2), gvec) mat.setDiagonal(gvec) return mat
def create_covariance_matrix_kdtree(self, sigma_x0, width=1, indexing='xy', fn=None, *args)
Create a covariance matrix assuming some function for variables on the mesh. By default this is Gaussian.
This uses a KDTree to determine distance between nodes, rather than the matrix stencil indexing used by create_covariance_matrix
sigma_x0 : uncertainty values to insert into matrix width : width of stencil for matrix (int) i.e. extended number of neighbours for each node indexing : use the xy coordinates of the mesh nodes or indices set to 'xy' or 'ij' fn : function to apply (default is Gaussian) *args : input arguments to pass to fn
mat : covariance matrix
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def create_covariance_matrix_kdtree(self, sigma_x0, width=1, indexing='xy', fn=None, *args): """ Create a covariance matrix assuming some function for variables on the mesh. By default this is Gaussian. This uses a KDTree to determine distance between nodes, rather than the matrix stencil indexing used by create_covariance_matrix Arguments --------- sigma_x0 : uncertainty values to insert into matrix width : width of stencil for matrix (int) i.e. extended number of neighbours for each node indexing : use the xy coordinates of the mesh nodes or indices set to 'xy' or 'ij' fn : function to apply (default is Gaussian) *args : input arguments to pass to fn Returns ------- mat : covariance matrix """ def gaussian_fn(sigma_x0, dist, length_scale): return sigma_x0**2 * np.exp(-dist**2/(2*length_scale**2)) if type(fn) == type(None): fn = gaussian_fn nodes = self.mesh.nodes nn = self.mesh.nn n = self.mesh.n dim = self.mesh.dim if indexing == "xy": coords = self.mesh.coords tree = self.ndinterp.tree elif indexing == "ij": from scipy.spatial import cKDTree ic = [] for i in range(dim): ic.append( np.arange(n[i]) ) cij = np.meshgrid(*ic, indexing="ij") for i in range(dim): cij[i] = cij[i].ravel() coords = np.column_stack(cij) tree = cKDTree(coords) # find distance between coords and centroid dist = np.linalg.norm(coords - coords.mean(axis=0), axis=1) nnz = int(1.5*(dist <= max_dist).sum()) mat = self.mesh._initialise_matrix(nnz=(nnz,1)) mat.assemblyBegin() for i in range(0, nn): idx = tree.query_ball_point(coords[i], max_dist) dist = np.linalg.norm(coords[i] - coords[idx], axis=1) row = i col = idx val = fn(sigma[idx], dist, *args, **kwargs) mat.setValues(row, col, val) mat.assemblyEnd() return mat
def create_wall_map(self, wall, *args)
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def create_wall_map(self, wall, *args): coords = self.mesh.coords dim = self.mesh.dim bbox = sizes = # Setup boundary dictionary bc = dict() wall = [("minX", "maxX"), ("minY", "maxY"), ("minZ", "maxZ")] for i in range(0, dim): w0, w1 = wall[i] c0, c1 = bbox[i] m0, m1 = coords[:,i] == c0, coords[:,i] == c1 self.boundary_index = boundary_index
def get_boundary_conditions(self)
Retrieve the boundary conditions so they can be restored. This is only useful in the adjoint linear solve where we must assert Dirichlet BCs (I think)
order is [minX, maxX, minY, maxY, minZ, maxZ]
bc_vals : values at the boundary conditions bc_flux : whether it is a Neumann boundary condition
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def get_boundary_conditions(self): """ Retrieve the boundary conditions so they can be restored. This is only useful in the adjoint linear solve where we must assert Dirichlet BCs (I think) order is [minX, maxX, minY, maxY, minZ, maxZ] Returns ------- bc_vals : values at the boundary conditions bc_flux : whether it is a Neumann boundary condition """ dim = self.mesh.dim bc_vals = np.empty(dim*2) bc_flux = np.empty(dim*2, dtype=bool) wall = [("minX", "maxX"), ("minY", "maxY"), ("minZ", "maxZ")] for i in range(0, dim): w0, w1 = wall[i] i0, i1 = i*2, i*2+1 bc_vals[i0] = self.mesh.bc[w0]["val"] bc_flux[i0] = self.mesh.bc[w0]["flux"] bc_vals[i1] = self.mesh.bc[w1]["val"] bc_flux[i1] = self.mesh.bc[w1]["flux"] return bc_vals, bc_flux
def gradient(self, f)
Calculate the derivatives of f in each dimension.
f : ndarray shape(n,)
grad_f : ndarray shape(3,n)
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def gradient(self, f): """ Calculate the derivatives of f in each dimension. Parameters ---------- f : ndarray shape(n,) Returns ------- grad_f : ndarray shape(3,n) """ grad = np.gradient(f.reshape(self.mesh.n), *self.grid_delta[::-1]) return np.array(grad).reshape(self.mesh.dim, -1)
def gradient_ad(self, df, f)
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def gradient_ad(self, df, f): inshape = [self.mesh.dim] + list(self.mesh.n) grad_ad = ad_grad(df.reshape(inshape), *self.grid_delta[::-1]) return grad_ad.ravel()
def heatflux(self, T, k)
Calculate heat flux.
T : ndarray shape(n,) temperature k : ndarray shape(n,) conductivity
q : ndarray shape(3,n), heatflux vectors
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def heatflux(self, T, k): """ Calculate heat flux. Arguments --------- T : ndarray shape(n,) temperature k : ndarray shape(n,) conductivity Returns ------- q : ndarray shape(3,n), heatflux vectors """ return -k*self.gradient(T)
def heatflux_ad(self, dq, q, T, k)
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def heatflux_ad(self, dq, q, T, k): dqddelT = -k dqdk = -self.gradient(T) ddelT = dqddelT*dq dk = dqdk*dq inshape = [self.mesh.dim] + list(self.mesh.n) dT = self.gradient_ad(ddelT, T) return dT.ravel(), dk.sum(axis=0)
def in_bounds(self, xi)
Find if coordinates are inside the local processor bounds
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def in_bounds(self, xi): """ Find if coordinates are inside the local processor bounds """ idx, d, bounds = self.ndinterp._find_indices(xi) return bounds
def interpolate(self, field, xi, method='nearest')
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def interpolate(self, field, xi, method="nearest"): self.ndinterp.values = field #.reshape(self.mesh.n) return self.ndinterp(xi, method=method)
def interpolate_ad(self, dxi, field, xi, method='nearest')
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def interpolate_ad(self, dxi, field, xi, method="nearest"): self.ndinterp.values = field #.reshape(self.mesh.n) return self.ndinterp.adjoint(xi, dxi, method=method) #.ravel()
def linear_solve(self, matrix=None, rhs=None)
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def linear_solve(self, matrix=None, rhs=None): if matrix == None: matrix = self.mesh.construct_matrix() if rhs == None: rhs = self.mesh.construct_rhs() gvec = self.mesh.gvec lvec = self.mesh.lvec res = self.mesh.temperature # res._gdata.setArray(rhs._gdata) self.ksp.setOperators(matrix) self.ksp.solve(rhs._gdata, res._gdata) return res[:].copy()
def linear_solve_ad(self, T, dT, matrix=None, rhs=None)
If dT = 0, adjoint=False : no need for this routine If dT != 0 and inside lithology, lith_size > 0
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def linear_solve_ad(self, T, dT, matrix=None, rhs=None): """ If dT = 0, adjoint=False : no need for this routine If dT != 0 and inside lithology, lith_size > 0 """ adjoint = np.array(False) lith_size = np.array(0.0) idxT = np.nonzero(dT != 0.0)[0] nT = idxT.any() comm.Allreduce([nT, MPI.BOOL], [adjoint, MPI.BOOL], op=MPI.LOR) if adjoint: if matrix == None: matrix = self.mesh.construct_matrix(in_place=True) if rhs == None: rhs = self.mesh.rhs rhs[:] = dT gvec = self.mesh.gvec lvec = self.mesh.lvec res = self.mesh.temperature res[:] = T # adjoint b vec db_ad = lvec.duplicate() gvec.setArray(rhs._gdata) self.ksp.solveTranspose(rhs._gdata, gvec), db_ad) # adjoint A mat dk_ad = np.zeros_like(T) matrix.scale(-1.0) # self.mesh.boundary_condition('maxZ', 0.0, flux=False) # not ND!! dT_ad = dT[:] kappa = np.zeros_like(T) nl = len(self.lithology_index) for i in range(0, nl): # find if there are nonzero dT that intersect a lithology idxM = self.lithology_mask[i] idx_n = np.intersect1d(idxT, idxM) gnodes = self.ghost_weights[idx_n] local_size = np.array(float(idx_n.size)) - np.sum(1.0 - 1.0/gnodes) # ghost nodes comm.Allreduce([local_size, MPI.DOUBLE], [lith_size, MPI.DOUBLE], op=MPI.SUM) # print comm.rank, i, lith_size, idx_n.size if lith_size > 0: kappa.fill(0.0) kappa[idxM] = 1.0 self.mesh.diffusivity[:] = kappa dAdkl = self.mesh.construct_matrix(in_place=False, derivative=True) dAdklT = dAdkl * res._gdata gvec.setArray(dAdklT) # try make the solution somewhat close self.ksp.solve(dAdklT, gvec), lvec) # need to call sum on the global vec dk_local = (dT_ad*lvec.array)/lith_size lvec.setArray(dk_local), gvec) gdot = gvec.sum() if local_size > 0: # splatter inside vector dk_ad[idx_n] += gdot dk_ad = self.mesh.sync(dk_ad) return dk_ad, db_ad.array else: return np.zeros_like(T), np.zeros_like(T)
def lookup_velocity(self, T=None, P=None)
Lookup velocity from VelocityTable object (vtable)
T : temperature (optional) taken from active mesh variable if not given P : pressure (optional) calculated from depth assuming a constant density of 2700 kg/m^3
table : everything in the table for given nodes
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def lookup_velocity(self, T=None, P=None): """ Lookup velocity from VelocityTable object (vtable) Parameters ---------- T : temperature (optional) taken from active mesh variable if not given P : pressure (optional) calculated from depth assuming a constant density of 2700 kg/m^3 Returns ------- table : everything in the table for given nodes """ if T is None: T = self.mesh.temperature[:] if P is None: z = np.absolute(self.mesh.coords[:,-1]) rho = 2700.0 r = 6.38e6 # radius of the Earth M = 5.98e24 # mass of the Earth G = 6.673e-11 # gravitational constant g = G*M/(r-z)**2 P = rho*g*z*1e-5 nl = len(self.lithology_index) nf = self.TPtable.ncol # preallocate memory V = np.zeros((nf, self.mesh.nn)) for i in range(0, nl): idx = self.lithology_mask[i] lith_idx = self.lithology_index[i] V[:,idx] = self.TPtable(T[idx], P[idx], lith_idx).T return V
def map(self, *args)
Requires a tuple of vectors corresponding to an inversion variable these are mapped to the mesh.
tuple(vec1, vec2, vecN) –> tuple(field1, field2, fieldN)
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def map(self, *args): """ Requires a tuple of vectors corresponding to an inversion variable these are mapped to the mesh. tuple(vec1, vec2, vecN) --> tuple(field1, field2, fieldN) """ nf = len(args) nl = len(self.lithology_index) # preallocate local memory mesh_variables = np.zeros((nf, self.mesh.nn)) # unpack vector to field for i in range(0, nl): idx = self.lithology_mask[i] for f in range(nf): mesh_variables[f,idx] = args[f][i] # sync fields across processors for f in range(nf): mesh_variables[f] = self.mesh.sync(mesh_variables[f]) return list(mesh_variables)
def map_ad(self, *args)
Map mesh variables back to the list
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def map_ad(self, *args): """ Map mesh variables back to the list """ nf = len(args) nl = len(self.lithology_index) # sync fields across processors mesh_variables = np.zeros((nf, self.mesh.nn)) for f in range(nf): mesh_variables[f] = self.mesh.sync(args[f]) lith_variables = np.zeros((nf, self.lithology_index.size)) all_lith_variables = np.zeros_like(lith_variables) for i in range(0, nl): idx = self.lithology_mask[i] for f in range(nf): lith_variables[f,i] += (mesh_variables[f]/self.ghost_weights)[idx].sum() comm.Allreduce([lith_variables, MPI.DOUBLE], [all_lith_variables, MPI.DOUBLE], op=MPI.SUM) return list(all_lith_variables)
def map_wall(self, wall, *args)
Map lists of arguments to a boundary wall
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def map_wall(self, wall, *args): """ Map lists of arguments to a boundary wall """ if wall not in self.mesh.bc: raise ValueError("wall must be one of {}".format(self.mesh.bc.keys())) if len(args) +1 != self.mesh.dim: # +1 because it's a plane raise ValueError("dimensions of lists must equal number of dimensions") axis = None sizes = list( sizes.pop(axis) extent = np.reshape(self.mesh.extent, (-1,2)) extent_bc = np.delete(extent, axis, axis=0) gcoords = [] sizes = [] for i in self.mesh.dim: if i != axis: coords = self.mesh.grid_coords[i] gcoords.append(coords) sizes.append(coords.size) ix = np.meshgrid(gcoords) # 0. divide wall into chunks based on the length of args # 1. find if proc contains bc mask # 2. map chunk to the bc bc_mask = self.mesh.bc[bc]['mask'] if bc_mask.any(): pass
def objective_function(self, x, x0, sigma_x0)
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def objective_function(self, x, x0, sigma_x0): return np.sum(0.5*(x - x0)**2/sigma_x0**2)
def objective_function_ad(self, x, x0, sigma_x0)
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def objective_function_ad(self, x, x0, sigma_x0): return 0.5*(2.0*x - 2.0*x0)/sigma_x0**2
def objective_function_lstsq(self, x, x0, cov)
Nonlinear least squares objective function
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def objective_function_lstsq(self, x, x0, cov): """ Nonlinear least squares objective function """ ksp = self._initialise_ksp(cov, pc='lu') misfit = np.array(x - x0) lhs, rhs = cov.createVecs() rhs.set(0.0) lindices = np.arange(0, misfit.size, dtype=PETSc.IntType) rhs.setValues(lindices, misfit, PETSc.InsertMode.ADD_VALUES) rhs.assemble() ksp.solve(rhs, lhs) sol = rhs*lhs sol.scale(0.5) ksp.destroy() lhs.destroy() rhs.destroy() return sol.sum()/comm.size
def objective_function_lstsq_ad(self, x, x0, cov)
Adjoint of the nonlinear least squares objective function
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def objective_function_lstsq_ad(self, x, x0, cov): """ Adjoint of the nonlinear least squares objective function """ ksp = self._initialise_ksp(cov, pc='lu') misfit = np.array(x - x0) lhs, rhs = cov.createVecs() rhs.set(0.0) lindices = np.arange(0, misfit.size, dtype=PETSc.IntType) rhs.setValues(lindices, misfit, PETSc.InsertMode.ADD_VALUES) rhs.assemble() ksp.solve(rhs, lhs) toall, allvec = PETSc.Scatter.toAll(lhs) toall.scatter(lhs, allvec, PETSc.InsertMode.INSERT) ksp.destroy() lhs.destroy() return allvec.array
def objective_routine(self, **kwargs)
This always comes at the end of the forward model (beginning of the adjoint) so we can safely roll interpolation, cost into one method.
Argument is a field if it is an observation - so that we can interpolate it.
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def objective_routine(self, **kwargs): """ This always comes at the end of the forward model (beginning of the adjoint) so we can safely roll interpolation, cost into one method. Argument is a field if it is an observation - so that we can interpolate it. """ # ensure an objective function is provided # if self.objective_function is None: # raise ValueError("Pass an objective function") c = np.array(0.0) # local prior values same as global c_obs = np.array(0.0) # obs have to be summed over all procs c_all = np.array(0.0) # sum of all obs for arg in kwargs: val = kwargs[arg] if arg in self.prior: prior = self.prior[arg] if prior.cov is None: c += self.objective_function(val, prior.v, prior.dv) else: c += self.objective_function_lstsq(val, prior.v, prior.cov) elif arg in self.observation: obs = self.observation[arg] # interpolation ival = self.interpolate(val, obs.coords) # weighting for ghost nodes if obs.cov is None: c_obs += self.objective_function(ival*obs.w, obs.v*obs.w, obs.dv) else: c_obs += self.objective_function_lstsq(ival*obs.w, obs.v*obs.w, obs.cov) comm.Allreduce([c_obs, MPI.DOUBLE], [c_all, MPI.DOUBLE], op=MPI.SUM) c += c_all return c
def objective_routine_ad(self, **kwargs)
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def objective_routine_ad(self, **kwargs): dcdv = 0.0 for arg in kwargs: val = kwargs[arg] if arg in self.prior: prior = self.prior[arg] if prior.cov is None: dcdv = self.objective_function_ad(val, prior.v, prior.dv) else: dcdv = self.objective_function_lstsq_ad(val, prior.v, prior.cov) elif arg in self.observation: obs = self.observation[arg] ival = self.interpolate(val, obs.coords) if obs.cov is None: dcdinterp = self.objective_function_ad(ival, obs.v, obs.dv) else: dcdinterp = self.objective_function_lstsq_ad(ival*obs.w, obs.v*obs.w, obs.cov) # interpolation dcdv = self.interpolate_ad(dcdinterp, val, obs.coords) # print arg, np.shape(val), np.shape(ival), np.shape(dcdv) # sync dcdv = self.mesh.sync(dcdv) else: dcdv = np.zeros_like(val) return dcdv
def set_boundary_conditions(self, bc_vals, bc_flux)
Set the boundary conditions easily using two vectors order is [minX, maxX, minY, maxY, minZ, maxZ]
bc_vals : values at the boundary conditions bc_flux : whether it is a Neumann boundary condition
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def set_boundary_conditions(self, bc_vals, bc_flux): """ Set the boundary conditions easily using two vectors order is [minX, maxX, minY, maxY, minZ, maxZ] Parameters ------- bc_vals : values at the boundary conditions bc_flux : whether it is a Neumann boundary condition """ dim = self.mesh.dim if len(bc_vals) != len(bc_flux) or len(bc_vals) != dim*2: raise ValueError("Input vectors should be of size {}".format(dim*2)) wall = [("minX", "maxX"), ("minY", "maxY"), ("minZ", "maxZ")] for i in range(0, dim): w0, w1 = wall[i] i0, i1 = i*2, i*2+1 self.mesh.bc[w0]["val"] = bc_vals[i0] self.mesh.bc[w0]["flux"] = bc_flux[i0] self.mesh.bc[w1]["val"] = bc_vals[i1] self.mesh.bc[w1]["flux"] = bc_flux[i1]
def update_lithology(self, new_lithology, lithology_index=None)
Update the configuration of lithologies.
Internal mask structures are updated to reflect the change in lithology configuration.
new_lithology : field on the mesh with integers indicating : the position of particular lithologies lithology_index : array corresponding to the total number of : integers in new_lithology
lithology_index is determined from the min/max of elements in new_lithology if lithology_index=None
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def update_lithology(self, new_lithology, lithology_index=None): """ Update the configuration of lithologies. Internal mask structures are updated to reflect the change in lithology configuration. Arguments --------- new_lithology : field on the mesh with integers indicating : the position of particular lithologies lithology_index : array corresponding to the total number of : integers in new_lithology Notes ----- lithology_index is determined from the min/max of elements in new_lithology if lithology_index=None """ new_lithology = np.array(new_lithology).ravel() # sync across processors new_lithology = self.mesh.sync(new_lithology) new_lithology = new_lithology.astype( if type(lithology_index) == type(None): # query global vector for minx/max iloc, lith_min = self.mesh.gvec.min() iloc, lith_max = self.mesh.gvec.max() # create lithology index lithology_index = np.arange(int(lith_min), int(lith_max)+1) nl = len(lithology_index) lithology_mask = [i for i in range(nl)] # create lithology mask for i, index in enumerate(lithology_index): lithology_mask[i] = np.nonzero(new_lithology == index)[0] self.lithology_mask = lithology_mask self.lithology_index = lithology_index self._lithology = new_lithology return