Module pycurious.mapping

The pycurious.mapping module of PyCurious contains various functions to help manipulate geospatial data into common formats. It handles commonly encounted operations, such as:

  • Gridding scattered data points
  • Converting between coordinate reference systems (CRS)
  • Importing and exporting GeoTiff files

It requires some additional dependencies:

Beware that most global data are georeferenced in WGS84 (EPSG: 4326). The radial power spectrum must be in rad/km, which requires a transformation from longitude / latitude to a local projection in eastings / northings.

For example, EMAG2 is a global compilation of the magnetic anomaly georeferenced in WGS84 longitude / latitude. This will need to be projected in a local CRS to use with PyCurious. If, for example, we are interested in a region across Ireland we could use the IRENET95 local CRS (EPSG: 2157),

transform_coordinates(lons, lats, epsg_in=4326, epsg_out=2157)

which would return a list of eastings and northings in IRENET95 projection.

Source code
# Copyright 2018-2019 Ben Mather, Robert Delhaye
# This file is part of PyCurious.
# PyCurious is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or any later version.
# PyCurious is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with PyCurious.  If not, see <>.

The `pycurious.mapping` module of PyCurious contains various functions to help
manipulate geospatial data into common formats. It handles commonly encounted
operations, such as:

- Gridding scattered data points
- Converting between coordinate reference systems (CRS)
- Importing and exporting GeoTiff files

It requires some **additional dependencies**:

- [`matplotlib`]( - for plotting
- [`pyproj`]( - for transforming between different CRS
- [`cartopy`]( - for generating maps

Beware that most global data are georeferenced in WGS84 (EPSG: 4326).
The radial power spectrum must be in rad/km, which requires a transformation
from longitude / latitude to a local projection in eastings / northings.

For example, EMAG2 is a global compilation of the magnetic anomaly
georeferenced in WGS84 longitude / latitude. This will need to be projected
in a local CRS to use with PyCurious. If, for example, we are interested in a
region across Ireland we could use the IRENET95 local CRS (EPSG: 2157),

transform_coordinates(lons, lats, epsg_in=4326, epsg_out=2157)

which would return a list of eastings and northings in IRENET95 projection.

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import numpy as np

    range = xrange

def transform_coordinates(x, y, epsg_in, epsg_out):
    Transform between any coordinate system.

    **Requires `pyproj`** - install using pip.

        x : float / 1D array
            x coordinates (may be in degrees or metres/eastings)
        y : float / 1D array
            y coordinates (may be in degrees or metres/northings)
        epsg_in : int
            CRS of x and y coordinates
        epsg_out : int
            CRS of output

        x_out : float / list of floats
            x coordinates projected in `epsg_out`
        y_out : float / list of floats
            y coordinates projected in `epsg_out`
    import pyproj

    proj_in = pyproj.CRS("EPSG:" + str(epsg_in))
    proj_out = pyproj.CRS("EPSG:" + str(epsg_out))
    transformer = pyproj.Transformer.from_crs(proj_in, proj_out, always_xy=True)
    return transformer.transform(x,y)

def convert_extent(extent_in, epsg_in, epsg_out):
    Transform extent from epsg_in to epsg_out

        extent_in : tuple
            bounding box [minX, maxX, minY, maxY]
        epsg_in : int
            CRS of extent
        epsg_out : int
            CRS of output

        extent_out : tuple
            bounding box in new CRS
    xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = extent_in
    xi = [xmin, xmin, xmax, xmax]
    yi = [ymin, ymax, ymin, ymax]
    xo, yo = transform_coordinates(xi, yi, epsg_in, epsg_out)
    extent_out = [min(xo), max(xo), min(yo), max(yo)]
    return extent_out

def trim(coords, data, extent, buffer_amount=0.0):
    Trim a smaller section of a large dataset taking into
    consideration transformations into various coordinate
    reference systems (CRS).
        coords : array shape (n,2)
            geographical / projected coordinates
        data : array shape (n,)
            values corresponding to coordinates
        extent : tuple
            bounding box to trim data
        buffer : float
            amount of buffer to include (default=0.0)

        coords_trim : array shape (l,2)
            trimmed coordinates
        data_trim : array shape (l,2)
            trimmed data array
    xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = extent

    # Extract only the data within the extent
    data_mask = np.zeros(data.shape[0], dtype=bool)

    # Add a 1 percent buffer zone
    x_buffer = buffer_amount * (xmax - xmin)
    y_buffer = buffer_amount * (ymax - ymin)

    data_mask += coords[:, 0] < xmin - x_buffer
    data_mask += coords[:, 0] > xmax + x_buffer
    data_mask += coords[:, 1] < ymin - y_buffer
    data_mask += coords[:, 1] > ymax + y_buffer
    data_mask = np.invert(data_mask)

    data_trim = data[data_mask]
    coords_trim = coords[data_mask]

    return coords_trim, data_trim

def grid(coords, data, extent, shape=None, epsg_in=None, epsg_out=None, **kwargs):
    Grid a smaller section of a large dataset taking into
    consideration transformations into various coordinate
    reference systems (CRS).

    **Requires `scipy.interpolate.griddata`**
        coords : array shape (n,2)
            geographical coordinates
        data : array shape (n,) 
            values corresponding to coordinates
        extent : tuple
           bounding box in espg_out coordinates
        shape : tuple (nrows,ncols)
           size of the box, if None, shape is estimated from coords spacing
        epsg_in : int
           CRS of data (if transformation is required)
        epsg_out : int
           CRS of grid (if transformation is required)
        kwargs : keyword arguments
           keyword arguments to pass to griddata from
        grid : array shape (nrows, ncols)
            rectangular section of data bounded by extent
    from scipy.interpolate import griddata

    xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = extent

    if epsg_in is not None:
        xt, yt = transform_coordinates(
            np.array([xmin, xmin, xmax, xmax]),
            np.array([ymin, ymax, ymin, ymax]),
        # find the coordinates that will completely
        # engulf the extent
        xtmin, xtmax = min(xt), max(xt)
        ytmin, ytmax = min(yt), max(yt)
        xtmin, xtmax = xmin, xmax
        ytmin, ytmax = ymin, ymax

    xtextent = [xtmin, xtmax, ytmin, ytmax]

    # trim data - buffer = 5%
    coords_trim, data_trim = trim(coords, data, xtextent, 0.05)

    if epsg_in is not None:
        # convert back to output CRS
        xtrim, ytrim = transform_coordinates(
            coords_trim[:, 0], coords_trim[:, 1], epsg_in, epsg_out
        coords_trim = np.column_stack([xtrim, ytrim])

    if shape == None:
        # estimate based on the data spacing
        xunique = np.unique(coords_trim[:, 0])
        yunique = np.unique(coords_trim[:, 1])
        dx = np.diff(xunique).mean()
        dy = np.diff(yunique).mean()
        nc = int((xtmax - xtmin) / dx)
        nr = int((ytmax - ytmin) / dy)
            "using nrows={}, ncols={} with cell spacing of {}".format(nr, nc, (dy, dx))
        nr, nc = shape

    # interpolate

    xcoords = np.linspace(xmin, xmax, nc)
    ycoords = np.linspace(ymin, ymax, nr)
    xq, yq = np.meshgrid(xcoords, ycoords)

    vq = griddata(coords_trim, data_trim, (xq, yq), **kwargs)
    return vq

def ungrid(grid, extent, coordinates, **kwargs):
    Maps the value at unstructured coordinates from a regular 2D grid.
    Uses the `scipy.ndimage.map_coordinates` function with cubic interpolation
        grid : array shape (ny,nx)
            regularly spaced grid 
        extent : tuple
            bounding box of `grid` e.g. [xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax]
        coordinates : array shape (n,2)
            coordinates (x,y) to interpolate `grid`
        kwargs : keyword arguments
            keyword arguments to pass to `map_coordinates`
        grid_interp : array shape (n,)
            interpolated values at coordinates
    from scipy.ndimage import map_coordinates
    ny, nx = grid.shape
    xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = extent
    # normalise coordinates within extent
    icoords = coordinates.copy()
    icoords[:,0] -= xmin
    icoords[:,1] -= ymin
    icoords[:,0] /= (xmax - xmin)
    icoords[:,1] /= (ymax - ymin)
    # icoords now somewhere within range [0, 1]
    # project coordinates to the number of grid indices
    icoords[:,0] *= nx - 1
    icoords[:,1] *= ny - 1
    # now interpolate
    return map_coordinates(grid, icoords.T, **kwargs)

def import_geotiff(file_path):
    Import a GeoTIFF to a numpy array and prints
    information of the Coordinate Reference System (CRS).

    **Requires `osgeo`.**

        file_path : str
            path to the GeoTIFF

        data : 2D array
        extent : tuple
            bounding box in the projection of the GeoTIFF
            e.g. [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax]
    from osgeo import gdal, osr

    gtiff = gdal.Open(file_path)
    data = gtiff.ReadAsArray()
    gt = gtiff.GetGeoTransform()
    gtproj = gtiff.GetProjection()

    inproj = osr.SpatialReference()

    gtextent = (
        gt[0] + gtiff.RasterXSize * gt[1],
        gt[3] + gtiff.RasterYSize * gt[5],

    # print projection information

    # this closes the geotiff
    gtiff = None

    return data, gtextent

def export_geotiff(file_path, array, extent, epsg):
    Export a GeoTIFF from a numpy array projected in a
    predefined Coordinate Reference System (CRS).

    **Requires `osgeo`.**

        file_path : str
            path to write the GeoTIFF
        array: 2D array
            array to save to GeoTiff
        extent : tuple
            bounding box in the projection of the GeoTIFF
            e.g. [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax]
        epsg : int
            CRS of the GeoTIFF
            e.g. 4326 for WGS84

    from osgeo import gdal, osr

    # import ogr, gdal, osr, os

    cols = array.shape[1]
    rows = array.shape[0]

    xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = extent
    spacingX = (xmax - xmin) / cols
    spacingY = (ymax - ymin) / rows

    driver = gdal.GetDriverByName("GTiff")
    outRaster = driver.Create(file_path, cols, rows, 1, gdal.GDT_Float64)
    outRaster.SetGeoTransform((xmin, spacingX, 0, ymin, 0, spacingY))
    outband = outRaster.GetRasterBand(1)
    outRasterSRS = osr.SpatialReference()

def export_netcdf4(file_path, array, extent):
    Export a netCDF4 file from a numpy array
    over a user-defined extent.

    **Requires `netcdf4`.**
    `pip install netcdf4`

        file_path : str
            path to write the netCDF4
        array: 2D array
            array to save to netCDF4
        extent : tuple
            bounding box in the projection of the netCDF4 file
            e.g. [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax]
    import netCDF4

    ny, nx = array.shape
    xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = extent

    with netCDF4.Dataset(str(file_path), 'w') as cdf:
        cdf.createDimension('x', nx)
        cdf.createDimension('y', ny)
        cdf_x = cdf.createVariable('x', np.float, ('x',), zlib=True)
        cdf_y = cdf.createVariable('y', np.float, ('y',), zlib=True)
        cdf_x[:] = np.linspace(xmin, xmax, nx)
        cdf_y[:] = np.linspace(ymin, ymax, ny)

        cdf_data = cdf.createVariable('z', np.float, ('y','x'), zlib=True)
        cdf_data[:,:]  = array

def import_netcdf4(file_path):
    Import a netCDF4 file from a numpy array
    over a user-defined extent.

    **Requires `netcdf4`.**
    `pip install netcdf4`

        file_path : str
            path to write the netCDF4

        array : ndarray
            numpy array containing the gridded netCDF4 data
        extent : tuple
            bounding box in the projection of the netCDF4 file
            e.g. [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax]

        The layout of the netCDF4 file must follow the standard
        naming convention such as 'lon', 'lat', 'z', 'data', etc 
        otherwise this import function will not work as intended.
    import netCDF4

    with netCDF4.Dataset(str(file_path), 'r') as cdf:
            lons = cdf['lon']
            lats = cdf['lat']
            lons = cdf['x']
            lats = cdf['y']
            raise ValueError(print(cdf))

            data = cdf['z'][:]
            data = cdf['data'][:]
            raise ValueError(print(cdf))

        extent = [lons.min(), lons.max(), lats.min(), lats.max()]

    return data, extent


def convert_extent(extent_in, epsg_in, epsg_out)

Transform extent from epsg_in to epsg_out


extent_in : tuple
bounding box [minX, maxX, minY, maxY]
epsg_in : int
CRS of extent
epsg_out : int
CRS of output


extent_out : tuple
bounding box in new CRS
Source code
def convert_extent(extent_in, epsg_in, epsg_out):
    Transform extent from epsg_in to epsg_out

        extent_in : tuple
            bounding box [minX, maxX, minY, maxY]
        epsg_in : int
            CRS of extent
        epsg_out : int
            CRS of output

        extent_out : tuple
            bounding box in new CRS
    xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = extent_in
    xi = [xmin, xmin, xmax, xmax]
    yi = [ymin, ymax, ymin, ymax]
    xo, yo = transform_coordinates(xi, yi, epsg_in, epsg_out)
    extent_out = [min(xo), max(xo), min(yo), max(yo)]
    return extent_out
def export_geotiff(file_path, array, extent, epsg)

Export a GeoTIFF from a numpy array projected in a predefined Coordinate Reference System (CRS).

Requires osgeo.


file_path : str
path to write the GeoTIFF
2D array array to save to GeoTiff
extent : tuple
bounding box in the projection of the GeoTIFF e.g. [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax]
epsg : int
CRS of the GeoTIFF e.g. 4326 for WGS84
Source code
def export_geotiff(file_path, array, extent, epsg):
    Export a GeoTIFF from a numpy array projected in a
    predefined Coordinate Reference System (CRS).

    **Requires `osgeo`.**

        file_path : str
            path to write the GeoTIFF
        array: 2D array
            array to save to GeoTiff
        extent : tuple
            bounding box in the projection of the GeoTIFF
            e.g. [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax]
        epsg : int
            CRS of the GeoTIFF
            e.g. 4326 for WGS84

    from osgeo import gdal, osr

    # import ogr, gdal, osr, os

    cols = array.shape[1]
    rows = array.shape[0]

    xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = extent
    spacingX = (xmax - xmin) / cols
    spacingY = (ymax - ymin) / rows

    driver = gdal.GetDriverByName("GTiff")
    outRaster = driver.Create(file_path, cols, rows, 1, gdal.GDT_Float64)
    outRaster.SetGeoTransform((xmin, spacingX, 0, ymin, 0, spacingY))
    outband = outRaster.GetRasterBand(1)
    outRasterSRS = osr.SpatialReference()
def export_netcdf4(file_path, array, extent)

Export a netCDF4 file from a numpy array over a user-defined extent.

Requires netcdf4. pip install netcdf4


file_path : str
path to write the netCDF4
2D array array to save to netCDF4
extent : tuple
bounding box in the projection of the netCDF4 file e.g. [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax]
Source code
def export_netcdf4(file_path, array, extent):
    Export a netCDF4 file from a numpy array
    over a user-defined extent.

    **Requires `netcdf4`.**
    `pip install netcdf4`

        file_path : str
            path to write the netCDF4
        array: 2D array
            array to save to netCDF4
        extent : tuple
            bounding box in the projection of the netCDF4 file
            e.g. [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax]
    import netCDF4

    ny, nx = array.shape
    xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = extent

    with netCDF4.Dataset(str(file_path), 'w') as cdf:
        cdf.createDimension('x', nx)
        cdf.createDimension('y', ny)
        cdf_x = cdf.createVariable('x', np.float, ('x',), zlib=True)
        cdf_y = cdf.createVariable('y', np.float, ('y',), zlib=True)
        cdf_x[:] = np.linspace(xmin, xmax, nx)
        cdf_y[:] = np.linspace(ymin, ymax, ny)

        cdf_data = cdf.createVariable('z', np.float, ('y','x'), zlib=True)
        cdf_data[:,:]  = array
def grid(coords, data, extent, shape=None, epsg_in=None, epsg_out=None, **kwargs)

Grid a smaller section of a large dataset taking into consideration transformations into various coordinate reference systems (CRS).

Requires scipy.interpolate.griddata


coords : array shape (n,2)
geographical coordinates
data : array shape (n,)
values corresponding to coordinates
extent : tuple
bounding box in espg_out coordinates
shape : tuple (nrows,ncols)
size of the box, if None, shape is estimated from coords spacing
epsg_in : int
CRS of data (if transformation is required)
epsg_out : int
CRS of grid (if transformation is required)
kwargs : keyword arguments

keyword arguments to pass to griddata from scipy.interpolate.griddata


grid() : array shape (nrows, ncols)
rectangular section of data bounded by extent
Source code
def grid(coords, data, extent, shape=None, epsg_in=None, epsg_out=None, **kwargs):
    Grid a smaller section of a large dataset taking into
    consideration transformations into various coordinate
    reference systems (CRS).

    **Requires `scipy.interpolate.griddata`**
        coords : array shape (n,2)
            geographical coordinates
        data : array shape (n,) 
            values corresponding to coordinates
        extent : tuple
           bounding box in espg_out coordinates
        shape : tuple (nrows,ncols)
           size of the box, if None, shape is estimated from coords spacing
        epsg_in : int
           CRS of data (if transformation is required)
        epsg_out : int
           CRS of grid (if transformation is required)
        kwargs : keyword arguments
           keyword arguments to pass to griddata from
        grid : array shape (nrows, ncols)
            rectangular section of data bounded by extent
    from scipy.interpolate import griddata

    xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = extent

    if epsg_in is not None:
        xt, yt = transform_coordinates(
            np.array([xmin, xmin, xmax, xmax]),
            np.array([ymin, ymax, ymin, ymax]),
        # find the coordinates that will completely
        # engulf the extent
        xtmin, xtmax = min(xt), max(xt)
        ytmin, ytmax = min(yt), max(yt)
        xtmin, xtmax = xmin, xmax
        ytmin, ytmax = ymin, ymax

    xtextent = [xtmin, xtmax, ytmin, ytmax]

    # trim data - buffer = 5%
    coords_trim, data_trim = trim(coords, data, xtextent, 0.05)

    if epsg_in is not None:
        # convert back to output CRS
        xtrim, ytrim = transform_coordinates(
            coords_trim[:, 0], coords_trim[:, 1], epsg_in, epsg_out
        coords_trim = np.column_stack([xtrim, ytrim])

    if shape == None:
        # estimate based on the data spacing
        xunique = np.unique(coords_trim[:, 0])
        yunique = np.unique(coords_trim[:, 1])
        dx = np.diff(xunique).mean()
        dy = np.diff(yunique).mean()
        nc = int((xtmax - xtmin) / dx)
        nr = int((ytmax - ytmin) / dy)
            "using nrows={}, ncols={} with cell spacing of {}".format(nr, nc, (dy, dx))
        nr, nc = shape

    # interpolate

    xcoords = np.linspace(xmin, xmax, nc)
    ycoords = np.linspace(ymin, ymax, nr)
    xq, yq = np.meshgrid(xcoords, ycoords)

    vq = griddata(coords_trim, data_trim, (xq, yq), **kwargs)
    return vq
def import_geotiff(file_path)

Import a GeoTIFF to a numpy array and prints information of the Coordinate Reference System (CRS).

Requires osgeo.


file_path : str
path to the GeoTIFF


data : 2D array
extent : tuple
bounding box in the projection of the GeoTIFF e.g. [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax]
Source code
def import_geotiff(file_path):
    Import a GeoTIFF to a numpy array and prints
    information of the Coordinate Reference System (CRS).

    **Requires `osgeo`.**

        file_path : str
            path to the GeoTIFF

        data : 2D array
        extent : tuple
            bounding box in the projection of the GeoTIFF
            e.g. [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax]
    from osgeo import gdal, osr

    gtiff = gdal.Open(file_path)
    data = gtiff.ReadAsArray()
    gt = gtiff.GetGeoTransform()
    gtproj = gtiff.GetProjection()

    inproj = osr.SpatialReference()

    gtextent = (
        gt[0] + gtiff.RasterXSize * gt[1],
        gt[3] + gtiff.RasterYSize * gt[5],

    # print projection information

    # this closes the geotiff
    gtiff = None

    return data, gtextent
def import_netcdf4(file_path)

Import a netCDF4 file from a numpy array over a user-defined extent.

Requires netcdf4. pip install netcdf4


file_path : str
path to write the netCDF4


array : ndarray
numpy array containing the gridded netCDF4 data
extent : tuple
bounding box in the projection of the netCDF4 file e.g. [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax]


The layout of the netCDF4 file must follow the standard naming convention such as 'lon', 'lat', 'z', 'data', etc otherwise this import function will not work as intended.

Source code
def import_netcdf4(file_path):
    Import a netCDF4 file from a numpy array
    over a user-defined extent.

    **Requires `netcdf4`.**
    `pip install netcdf4`

        file_path : str
            path to write the netCDF4

        array : ndarray
            numpy array containing the gridded netCDF4 data
        extent : tuple
            bounding box in the projection of the netCDF4 file
            e.g. [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax]

        The layout of the netCDF4 file must follow the standard
        naming convention such as 'lon', 'lat', 'z', 'data', etc 
        otherwise this import function will not work as intended.
    import netCDF4

    with netCDF4.Dataset(str(file_path), 'r') as cdf:
            lons = cdf['lon']
            lats = cdf['lat']
            lons = cdf['x']
            lats = cdf['y']
            raise ValueError(print(cdf))

            data = cdf['z'][:]
            data = cdf['data'][:]
            raise ValueError(print(cdf))

        extent = [lons.min(), lons.max(), lats.min(), lats.max()]

    return data, extent
def transform_coordinates(x, y, epsg_in, epsg_out)

Transform between any coordinate system.

Requires pyproj - install using pip.


x : float / 1D array
x coordinates (may be in degrees or metres/eastings)
y : float / 1D array
y coordinates (may be in degrees or metres/northings)
epsg_in : int
CRS of x and y coordinates
epsg_out : int
CRS of output


x_out : float / list of floats
x coordinates projected in epsg_out
y_out : float / list of floats
y coordinates projected in epsg_out
Source code
def transform_coordinates(x, y, epsg_in, epsg_out):
    Transform between any coordinate system.

    **Requires `pyproj`** - install using pip.

        x : float / 1D array
            x coordinates (may be in degrees or metres/eastings)
        y : float / 1D array
            y coordinates (may be in degrees or metres/northings)
        epsg_in : int
            CRS of x and y coordinates
        epsg_out : int
            CRS of output

        x_out : float / list of floats
            x coordinates projected in `epsg_out`
        y_out : float / list of floats
            y coordinates projected in `epsg_out`
    import pyproj

    proj_in = pyproj.CRS("EPSG:" + str(epsg_in))
    proj_out = pyproj.CRS("EPSG:" + str(epsg_out))
    transformer = pyproj.Transformer.from_crs(proj_in, proj_out, always_xy=True)
    return transformer.transform(x,y)
def trim(coords, data, extent, buffer_amount=0.0)

Trim a smaller section of a large dataset taking into consideration transformations into various coordinate reference systems (CRS).


coords : array shape (n,2)
geographical / projected coordinates
data : array shape (n,)
values corresponding to coordinates
extent : tuple
bounding box to trim data
buffer : float
amount of buffer to include (default=0.0)


coords_trim : array shape (l,2)
trimmed coordinates
data_trim : array shape (l,2)
trimmed data array
Source code
def trim(coords, data, extent, buffer_amount=0.0):
    Trim a smaller section of a large dataset taking into
    consideration transformations into various coordinate
    reference systems (CRS).
        coords : array shape (n,2)
            geographical / projected coordinates
        data : array shape (n,)
            values corresponding to coordinates
        extent : tuple
            bounding box to trim data
        buffer : float
            amount of buffer to include (default=0.0)

        coords_trim : array shape (l,2)
            trimmed coordinates
        data_trim : array shape (l,2)
            trimmed data array
    xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = extent

    # Extract only the data within the extent
    data_mask = np.zeros(data.shape[0], dtype=bool)

    # Add a 1 percent buffer zone
    x_buffer = buffer_amount * (xmax - xmin)
    y_buffer = buffer_amount * (ymax - ymin)

    data_mask += coords[:, 0] < xmin - x_buffer
    data_mask += coords[:, 0] > xmax + x_buffer
    data_mask += coords[:, 1] < ymin - y_buffer
    data_mask += coords[:, 1] > ymax + y_buffer
    data_mask = np.invert(data_mask)

    data_trim = data[data_mask]
    coords_trim = coords[data_mask]

    return coords_trim, data_trim
def ungrid(grid, extent, coordinates, **kwargs)

Maps the value at unstructured coordinates from a regular 2D grid. Uses the scipy.ndimage.map_coordinates function with cubic interpolation


grid() : array shape (ny,nx)
regularly spaced grid
extent : tuple
bounding box of grid() e.g. [xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax]
coordinates : array shape (n,2)
coordinates (x,y) to interpolate grid()
kwargs : keyword arguments
keyword arguments to pass to map_coordinates


grid_interp : array shape (n,)
interpolated values at coordinates
Source code
def ungrid(grid, extent, coordinates, **kwargs):
    Maps the value at unstructured coordinates from a regular 2D grid.
    Uses the `scipy.ndimage.map_coordinates` function with cubic interpolation
        grid : array shape (ny,nx)
            regularly spaced grid 
        extent : tuple
            bounding box of `grid` e.g. [xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax]
        coordinates : array shape (n,2)
            coordinates (x,y) to interpolate `grid`
        kwargs : keyword arguments
            keyword arguments to pass to `map_coordinates`
        grid_interp : array shape (n,)
            interpolated values at coordinates
    from scipy.ndimage import map_coordinates
    ny, nx = grid.shape
    xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = extent
    # normalise coordinates within extent
    icoords = coordinates.copy()
    icoords[:,0] -= xmin
    icoords[:,1] -= ymin
    icoords[:,0] /= (xmax - xmin)
    icoords[:,1] /= (ymax - ymin)
    # icoords now somewhere within range [0, 1]
    # project coordinates to the number of grid indices
    icoords[:,0] *= nx - 1
    icoords[:,1] *= ny - 1
    # now interpolate
    return map_coordinates(grid, icoords.T, **kwargs)