Module pycurious.optimise

This PyCurious module contains the CurieOptimise class, which inherits the CurieGrid class with added functionality for:

  • Fitting the synthetic power spectrum computed with bouligand2009()
  • Defining an objective function with a flexible interface for adding a priori and likelihood functions
  • Parallel decomposition of routines to compute the optimal radial power spectrum, and thus Curie depth
  • Metropolis-Hastings algorithm and sensitivity analysis to estimate the uncertainty of the posterior

The posterior is defined as

where are input parameters to bouligand2009() and is the radial power spectrum computed from a FFT over square windows of the magnetic anomaly in CurieGrid.radial_spectrum().

Source code
# Copyright 2018-2019 Ben Mather, Robert Delhaye
# This file is part of PyCurious.
# PyCurious is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or any later version.
# PyCurious is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with PyCurious.  If not, see <>.

This PyCurious module contains the `pycurious.optimise.CurieOptimise` class,
which inherits the `pycurious.grid.CurieGrid` class with added functionality for:

- Fitting the synthetic power spectrum \\( \\Phi \\) computed with `pycurious.grid.bouligand2009`
- Defining an objective function with a flexible interface for adding *a priori* and likelihood functions
- Parallel decomposition of routines to compute the optimal radial power spectrum, and thus Curie depth
- Metropolis-Hastings algorithm and sensitivity analysis to estimate the uncertainty of the posterior

The posterior is defined as

\\( P(\\mathbf{m}|\\mathbf{d}) = P(\\beta, z_t, \\Delta z, C|\\Phi_d) \\)

where \\( \\beta, z_t, \\Delta z, C \\) are input parameters to `pycurious.grid.bouligand2009` and
\\( \\Phi_d \\) is the radial power spectrum computed from a FFT over square windows of the magnetic
anomaly in `pycurious.grid.CurieGrid.radial_spectrum`.

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from .grid import CurieGrid, bouligand2009
import numpy as np
import warnings
from scipy.optimize import minimize
from scipy.special import polygamma
from scipy import stats
from multiprocessing import Pool, Process, Queue, cpu_count

    range = xrange

class CurieOptimise(CurieGrid):
    Extends the `pycurious.grid.CurieGrid` class to include
    optimisation routines see `scipy.optimize.minimize` for
    a description of the algorithm.

        grid : 2D numpy array
            2D array of magnetic data
        xmin : float
            minimum x bound in metres
        xmax : float
            maximum x bound in metres
        ymin : float
            minimum y bound in metres
        ymax : float
            maximum y bound in metres
        bounds : list of tuples
            lower and upper bounds for \\( \\beta, z_t, \\Delta z, C \\)
        prior : dict
            dictionary of priors for \\( \\beta, z_t, \\Delta z, C \\)
        grid : 2D numpy array
            2D array of magnetic data
        xmin : float
            minimum x bound in metres
        xmax : float
            maximum x bound in metres
        ymin : float
            minimum y bound in metres
        ymax : float
            maximum y bound in metres
        dx : float
            grid spacing in the x-direction in metres
        dy : float
            grid spacing in the y-direction in metres
        nx : int
            number of nodes in the x-direction
        ny : int
            number of nodes in the y-direction
        xcoords : 1D numpy array
            1D numpy array of coordinates in the x-direction
        ycoords : 1D numpy array
            1D numpy array of coordinates in the y-direction

        In all instances `x` indicates eastings in metres and `y` indicates northings.
        Using a grid of longitude / latitudinal coordinates (degrees) will result
        in incorrect Curie depth calculations.

    def __init__(self, grid, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, **kwargs):

        super(CurieOptimise, self).__init__(grid, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)

        # initialise prior dictionary

        # lower / upper bounds
        # [beta, zt, dz, C]
        lb = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, None]
        ub = [None] * len(lb)
        bounds = list(zip(lb, ub))
        self.bounds = bounds

        self.max_processors = kwargs.pop("max_processors", cpu_count())


    def add_prior(self, **kwargs):
        Add a prior to the dictionary (tuple)
        Available priors are \\( \\beta, z_t, \\Delta z, C \\)

        Assumes a normal distribution or
        define another distribution from `scipy.stats`

            >>> add_prior(beta=(p, sigma_p))

            >>> add_prior(beta=scipy.stats.norm(p, sigma_p))

        for key in kwargs:
            if key in self.prior:
                prior = kwargs[key]
                if type(prior) == tuple:
                    p, sigma_p = prior
                    pdf = stats.norm(p, sigma_p)
                elif type(prior) == stats._distn_infrastructure.rv_frozen:
                    pdf = prior
                    raise ValueError("Use a distribution from scipy.stats module")

                # add prior PDF to dictionary
                self.prior_pdf[key] = pdf
                self.prior[key] = list(pdf.args)

                raise ValueError("prior must be one of {}".format(self.prior.keys()))

    def reset_priors(self):
        Reset priors to uniform distribution
        self.prior = {"beta": None, "zt": None, "dz": None, "C": None}
        self.prior_pdf = {"beta": None, "zt": None, "dz": None, "C": None}

    def objective_routine(self, **kwargs):
        Evaluate the objective routine to find the misfit with priors
        Only keys stored in self.prior will be added to the total misfit

            >>> objective_routine(beta=2.5)

            misfit : float
                misfit integrated over all observations and priors
        c = 0.0

        for key in kwargs:
            val = kwargs[key]
            if key in self.prior:
                prior_args = self.prior[key]
                if prior_args is not None:
                    c += self.objective_function(val, *prior_args)
        return c

    def objective_function(self, x, x0, sigma_x0, *args):
        Objective function used in `objective_routine`
        Evaluates the l2-norm misfit

            x : float, ndarray
            x0 : float, ndarray
            sigma_x0 : float, ndarray

            misfit : float
        return 0.5 * np.sum((x - x0) ** 2 / sigma_x0 ** 2)

    def min_func(self, x, kh, Phi, sigma_Phi):
        Function to minimise

            x : array shape (n,)
                array of variables \\( \\beta, z_t, \\Delta z, C \\)
            kh : array shape (n,)
                wavenumbers (rad/km)
            Phi : array shape (n,)
                radial power spectrum \\( \\Phi \\)
            sigma_Phi : array shape (n,)
                standard deviation of Phi, \\( \\sigma_{\\Phi} \\)

            misfit : float
                sum of misfit (scalar)

            We purposely ignore all warnings raised by the `pycurious.grid.bouligand2009`
            function because some combinations of input parameters will
            trigger an out-of-range warning that will crash the minimiser.
            Instead, the misfit is set to a very large number when this occurs.
        beta, zt, dz, C = x
        with warnings.catch_warnings() as w:
            Phi_syn = bouligand2009(kh, beta, zt, dz, C)

        misfit = self.objective_function(Phi_syn, Phi, 1.0)
        if not np.isfinite(misfit):
            misfit = 1e99
            misfit += self.objective_routine(beta=beta, zt=zt, dz=dz, C=C)
        return misfit

    def optimise(
        Find the optimal parameters of \\( \\beta, z_t, \\Delta z, C \\)
        for a given centroid (xc,yc) and window size.

            window : float
                size of window in metres
            xc : float
                centroid x values
            yc : float
                centroid y values
            beta : float
                fractal parameter (starting value)
            zt : float
                top of magnetic layer (starting value)
            dz : float
                thickness of magnetic layer (starting value)
            C : float
                field constant (starting value)
            taper : taper (default=`numpy.hanning`)
                taper function, set to None for no taper function
            process_subgrids : function
                a custom function to process the subgrid
            kwargs : keyword arguments
                to pass to radial_spectrum.

            beta : float
                fractal parameters
            zt : float
                top of magnetic layer
            dz : float
                thickness of magnetic layer
            C : float
                field constant

        if process_subgrid is None:
            # dummy function
            def process_subgrid(subgrid):
                return subgrid

        # initial constants for minimisation
        # w = 1.0 # weight low frequency?

        x0 = np.array([beta, zt, dz, C])

        # get subgrid
        subgrid = self.subgrid(window, xc, yc)
        subgrid = process_subgrid(subgrid)

        # compute radial spectrum
        k, Phi, sigma_Phi = self.radial_spectrum(subgrid, taper=taper, **kwargs)

        # minimise function
        res = minimize(self.min_func, x0, args=(k, Phi, sigma_Phi), bounds=self.bounds)
        return res.x

    def _func_queue(self, func, q_in, q_out, window, *args, **kwargs):
        """ Retrive processes from the queue """
        while True:
            pos, xc, yc = q_in.get()
            if pos is None:

            pass_args = [window, xc, yc]

            res = func(*pass_args, **kwargs)
            q_out.put((pos, res))

    def parallelise_routine(self, window, xc_list, yc_list, func, *args, **kwargs):
        Implements shared memory multiprocessing to split multiple
        evaluations of a function centroids across processors.

        Supply the window size and lists of x,y coordinates to a function
        along with any additional arguments or keyword arguments.

            window : float
                size of window in metres
            xc_list : array shape (l,)
                centroid x values
            yc_list : array shape (l,)
                centroid y values
            func : function
                Python function to evaluate in parallel
            args : arguments
                additional arguments to pass to `func`
            kwargs : keyword arguments
                additional keyword arguments to pass to `func`

            out : list of lists
                (depends on output of `func` - see notes)

            An obvious use case is to compute the Curie depth for many
            centroids in parallel.

            >>> self.parallelise_routine(window, xc_list, yc_list, self.optimise)
            Each centroid is assigned a new process and sent to a free processor
            to compute. In this case, the output is separate lists of shape(l,)
            for \\( \\beta, z_t, \\Delta z, C \\). If `len(xc_list)=2` then,

            >>> self.parallelise_routine(window, [x1,x2], [y1, y2], self.optimise)
            [[beta1  beta2], [zt1  zt2], [dz1  dz2], [C1  C2]]

            Another example is to parallelise the sensitivity analysis:

            >>> self.parallelise_routine(window, xc_list, yc_list, self.sensitivity, nsim)

            This time the output will be a list of lists for \\( \\beta, z_t, \\Delta z, C \\)
            i.e. if `len(xc_list)=2` is the number of centroids and `nsim=4` is the number of
            simulations then separatee lists will be returned for \\( \\beta, z_t, \\Delta z, C \\).

            >>> self.parallelise_routine(window, [x1,x2], [y1,y2], self.sensitivity, 4)

            which would return:

            [[[ beta1a , beta1b , beta1c , beta1d ],   # centroid 1 (x1,y1)
              [ beta2a , beta2b , beta2c , beta2d ]],  # centroid 2 (x2,y2)
             [[   zt1a ,   zt1b ,   zt1c ,   zt1d ],   # centroid 1 (x1,y1)
              [   zt2a ,   zt2b ,   zt2c ,   zt2d ]],  # centroid 2 (x2,y2)
             [[   dz1a ,   dz1b ,   dz1c ,   dz1d ],   # centroid 1 (x1,y1)
              [   dz2a ,   dz2b ,   dz2c ,   dz2d ]]   # centroid 2 (x2,y2)
             [[    C1a ,    C1b ,    C1c ,    C1d ],   # centroid 1 (x1,y1)
              [    C2a ,    C2b ,    C2c ,    C2d ]]]  # centroid 2 (x2,y2)

        n = len(xc_list)
        if n != len(yc_list):
            raise ValueError("xc_list and yc_list must be the same size")

        xOpt = [[] for i in range(n)]
        processes = []
        q_in = Queue(1)
        q_out = Queue()

        nprocs = self.max_processors

        if nprocs == 1:
            # skip all the OpenMP cruft
            for i in range(n):
                xc = xc_list[i]
                yc = yc_list[i]

                res = func(window, xc, yc, *args, **kwargs)
                xOpt[i] = res

        elif nprocs > 1:
            # more than one processor
            for i in range(nprocs):
                pass_args = [func, q_in, q_out, window]

                p = Process(target=self._func_queue, args=tuple(pass_args), kwargs=kwargs)


            for p in processes:
                p.daemon = True

            # put items in the queue
            sent = [q_in.put((i, xc_list[i], yc_list[i])) for i in range(n)]
            [q_in.put((None, None, None)) for _ in range(nprocs)]

            # get the results
            for i in range(len(sent)):
                index, res = q_out.get()
                xOpt[index] = res

            # wait until each processor has finished
            [p.join() for p in processes]

            raise ValueError("{} processors is invalid, specify a positive integer value".format(nprocs))

        # process dimensions of output
        ndim = np.array(res).ndim

        if ndim == 1:
            # return separate lists of beta, zt, dz, C
            xOpt = np.vstack(xOpt)
            return list(xOpt.T)
        elif ndim > 1:
            # return lists of beta, zt, dz, C for each centroid
            xOpt = np.hstack(xOpt)
            out = list(xOpt)
            for i in range(len(out)):
                out[i] = np.split(out[i], n)
            return out
            raise ValueError("Cannot determine shape of output")

    def optimise_routine(
        Iterate through a list of centroids to compute the optimal values
        of \\( \\beta, z_t, \\Delta z, C \\) for a given window size.
            window : float
                size of window in metres
            xc_list : ndarray shape (l,)
                centroid x values 
            yc_list : ndarray shape (l,)
                centroid y values 
            beta : float
                fractal parameter 
            zt : float
                top of magnetic layer
            dz : float
                thickness of magnetic layer
            C : float
                field constant
            taper : function
                taper function (default=`numpy.hanning`)
                set to None for no taper function
            process_subgrids : func
                a custom function to process the subgrid
            kwargs : keyword arguments
                to pass to radial_spectrum.

            beta : ndarray shape (l,)
                fractal parameters
            zt : ndarray shape (l,)
                top of magnetic layer
            dz : ndarray shape (l,)
                thickness of magnetic layer
            C : ndarray shape (l,)
                field constant

        return self.parallelise_routine(

    def metropolis_hastings(
        MCMC algorithm using a Metropolis-Hastings sampler.

        Evaluates a Markov-Chain for starting values of
        \\( \\beta, z_t, \\Delta z, C \\) and returns the
        ensemble of model realisations.
            window : float
                size of window in metres
            xc : float
                centroid x values
            yc : float
                centroid y values
            nsim : int
                number of simulations
            burnin : int
                number of burn-in simulations before to nsim
            x_scale: float(4) (optional)
                scaling factor for new proposals
                (default=`[1,1,1,1]` for `[beta, zt, dz, C]`)
                - see notes
            beta : float
                fractal parameter (starting value)
            zt : float
                top of magnetic layer (starting value)
            dz : float
                thickness of magnetic layer (starting value)
            C : float
                field constant (starting value)

            beta : ndarray shape (nsim,)
                fractal parameter
            zt : ndarray shape (nsim,)
                top of magnetic layer
            dz : ndarray shape (nsim,)
                thickness of magnetic layer
            C : ndarray shape (nsim,)
                field constant

            `nsim`, `burnin`, and `x_scale` should be tweaked for optimal performance
            Use starting values of \\( \\beta, z_t, \\Delta z, C \\) relatively
            close to the solution - \\( C \\) can easily found from the mean of the
            radial power spectrum.

            During the burn-in stage we apply tempering to the PDF to iterate closer
            towards the solution. This has the effect of smoothing out the posterior
            so that minima can be more easily found. This is necessary here because
            large portions of the posterior probability are zero.
            see see Sambridge 2013, DOI:10.1093/gji/ggt342 for more information.
        if process_subgrid is None:
            # dummy function
            def process_subgrid(subgrid):
                return subgrid

        samples = np.empty((nsim, 4))
        x0 = np.array([beta, zt, dz, C])

        if x_scale is None:
            x_scale = np.ones(4)

        # get subgrid
        subgrid = self.subgrid(window, xc, yc)
        subgrid = process_subgrid(subgrid)

        # compute radial spectrum
        k, Phi, sigma_Phi = self.radial_spectrum(subgrid, taper=taper, **kwargs)

        P0 = np.exp(-self.min_func(x0, k, Phi, sigma_Phi) / 1000)

        # Burn-in phase
        for i in range(burnin):
            # add random perturbation
            x1 = x0 + np.random.normal(size=4) * x_scale

            # evaluate proposal probability + tempering
            P1 = np.exp(-self.min_func(x1, k, Phi, sigma_Phi) / 1000)

            # iterate towards MAP estimate
            if P1 > P0:
                x0 = x1
                P0 = P1

        P0 = np.exp(-self.min_func(x0, k, Phi, sigma_Phi))

        # Now sample posterior
        for i in range(nsim):
            # add random perturbation
            x1 = x0 + np.random.normal(size=4) * x_scale

            # evaluate proposal probability
            P0 = max(P0, 1e-99)
            P1 = np.exp(-self.min_func(x1, k, Phi, sigma_Phi))

            P = min(P1 / P0, 1.0)

            # randomly accept probability
            if np.random.rand() <= P:
                x0 = x1
                P0 = P1

            samples[i] = x0

        return list(samples.T)

    def sensitivity(
        Iterate through a list of centroids to compute the mean and
        standard deviation of \\( \\beta, z_t, \\Delta z, C \\) by
        perturbing their prior distributions
        (if provided by the user - see add_prior).
            nsim : int
                number of Monte Carlo simulations
            window : float
                size of window in metres
            xc : float
                centroid x values
            yc : float
                centroid y values
            nsim : int
                number of simulations
            beta : float
                starting fractal parameter 
            zt : float
                starting top of magnetic layer
            dz : float
                starting thickness of magnetic layer
            C : float
                starting field constant

            beta : ndarray shape (nsim,)
                fractal parameters
            zt : ndarray shape (nsim,)
                top of magnetic layer
            dz : ndarray shape (nsim,)
                thickness of magnetic layer
            C : ndarray shape (nsim,)
                field constant
        if process_subgrid is None:
            # dummy function
            def process_subgrid(subgrid):
                return subgrid

        samples = np.empty((nsim, 4))
        x0 = np.array([beta, zt, dz, C])

        use_keys = []
        for key in self.prior_pdf:
            prior_pdf = self.prior_pdf[key]
            if prior_pdf is not None:

        # get subgrid
        subgrid = self.subgrid(window, xc, yc)
        subgrid = process_subgrid(subgrid)

        # compute radial spectrum
        k, Phi, sigma_Phi = self.radial_spectrum(subgrid, taper=taper, **kwargs)

        for sim in range(0, nsim):
            # randomly generate new prior values within PDF
            for key in use_keys:
                prior_pdf = self.prior_pdf[key]
                self.prior[key][0] = prior_pdf.rvs()

            # minimise function
            rPhi = np.random.normal(Phi, sigma_Phi)
            res = minimize(
                self.min_func, x0, args=(k, rPhi, sigma_Phi), bounds=self.bounds
            samples[sim] = res.x

        # restore priors
        for key in use_keys:
            prior_pdf = self.prior_pdf[key]
            self.prior[key] = list(prior_pdf.args)

        return list(samples.T)


class CurieOptimise (grid, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, **kwargs)

Extends the CurieGrid class to include optimisation routines see scipy.optimize.minimize for a description of the algorithm.


grid : 2D numpy array
2D array of magnetic data
xmin : float
minimum x bound in metres
xmax : float
maximum x bound in metres
ymin : float
minimum y bound in metres
ymax : float
maximum y bound in metres


bounds : list of tuples
lower and upper bounds for
prior : dict
dictionary of priors for
grid : 2D numpy array
2D array of magnetic data
xmin : float
minimum x bound in metres
xmax : float
maximum x bound in metres
ymin : float
minimum y bound in metres
ymax : float
maximum y bound in metres
dx : float
grid spacing in the x-direction in metres
dy : float
grid spacing in the y-direction in metres
nx : int
number of nodes in the x-direction
ny : int
number of nodes in the y-direction
xcoords : 1D numpy array
1D numpy array of coordinates in the x-direction
ycoords : 1D numpy array
1D numpy array of coordinates in the y-direction


In all instances x indicates eastings in metres and y indicates northings. Using a grid of longitude / latitudinal coordinates (degrees) will result in incorrect Curie depth calculations.

Source code
class CurieOptimise(CurieGrid):
    Extends the `pycurious.grid.CurieGrid` class to include
    optimisation routines see `scipy.optimize.minimize` for
    a description of the algorithm.

        grid : 2D numpy array
            2D array of magnetic data
        xmin : float
            minimum x bound in metres
        xmax : float
            maximum x bound in metres
        ymin : float
            minimum y bound in metres
        ymax : float
            maximum y bound in metres
        bounds : list of tuples
            lower and upper bounds for \\( \\beta, z_t, \\Delta z, C \\)
        prior : dict
            dictionary of priors for \\( \\beta, z_t, \\Delta z, C \\)
        grid : 2D numpy array
            2D array of magnetic data
        xmin : float
            minimum x bound in metres
        xmax : float
            maximum x bound in metres
        ymin : float
            minimum y bound in metres
        ymax : float
            maximum y bound in metres
        dx : float
            grid spacing in the x-direction in metres
        dy : float
            grid spacing in the y-direction in metres
        nx : int
            number of nodes in the x-direction
        ny : int
            number of nodes in the y-direction
        xcoords : 1D numpy array
            1D numpy array of coordinates in the x-direction
        ycoords : 1D numpy array
            1D numpy array of coordinates in the y-direction

        In all instances `x` indicates eastings in metres and `y` indicates northings.
        Using a grid of longitude / latitudinal coordinates (degrees) will result
        in incorrect Curie depth calculations.

    def __init__(self, grid, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, **kwargs):

        super(CurieOptimise, self).__init__(grid, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)

        # initialise prior dictionary

        # lower / upper bounds
        # [beta, zt, dz, C]
        lb = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, None]
        ub = [None] * len(lb)
        bounds = list(zip(lb, ub))
        self.bounds = bounds

        self.max_processors = kwargs.pop("max_processors", cpu_count())


    def add_prior(self, **kwargs):
        Add a prior to the dictionary (tuple)
        Available priors are \\( \\beta, z_t, \\Delta z, C \\)

        Assumes a normal distribution or
        define another distribution from `scipy.stats`

            >>> add_prior(beta=(p, sigma_p))

            >>> add_prior(beta=scipy.stats.norm(p, sigma_p))

        for key in kwargs:
            if key in self.prior:
                prior = kwargs[key]
                if type(prior) == tuple:
                    p, sigma_p = prior
                    pdf = stats.norm(p, sigma_p)
                elif type(prior) == stats._distn_infrastructure.rv_frozen:
                    pdf = prior
                    raise ValueError("Use a distribution from scipy.stats module")

                # add prior PDF to dictionary
                self.prior_pdf[key] = pdf
                self.prior[key] = list(pdf.args)

                raise ValueError("prior must be one of {}".format(self.prior.keys()))

    def reset_priors(self):
        Reset priors to uniform distribution
        self.prior = {"beta": None, "zt": None, "dz": None, "C": None}
        self.prior_pdf = {"beta": None, "zt": None, "dz": None, "C": None}

    def objective_routine(self, **kwargs):
        Evaluate the objective routine to find the misfit with priors
        Only keys stored in self.prior will be added to the total misfit

            >>> objective_routine(beta=2.5)

            misfit : float
                misfit integrated over all observations and priors
        c = 0.0

        for key in kwargs:
            val = kwargs[key]
            if key in self.prior:
                prior_args = self.prior[key]
                if prior_args is not None:
                    c += self.objective_function(val, *prior_args)
        return c

    def objective_function(self, x, x0, sigma_x0, *args):
        Objective function used in `objective_routine`
        Evaluates the l2-norm misfit

            x : float, ndarray
            x0 : float, ndarray
            sigma_x0 : float, ndarray

            misfit : float
        return 0.5 * np.sum((x - x0) ** 2 / sigma_x0 ** 2)

    def min_func(self, x, kh, Phi, sigma_Phi):
        Function to minimise

            x : array shape (n,)
                array of variables \\( \\beta, z_t, \\Delta z, C \\)
            kh : array shape (n,)
                wavenumbers (rad/km)
            Phi : array shape (n,)
                radial power spectrum \\( \\Phi \\)
            sigma_Phi : array shape (n,)
                standard deviation of Phi, \\( \\sigma_{\\Phi} \\)

            misfit : float
                sum of misfit (scalar)

            We purposely ignore all warnings raised by the `pycurious.grid.bouligand2009`
            function because some combinations of input parameters will
            trigger an out-of-range warning that will crash the minimiser.
            Instead, the misfit is set to a very large number when this occurs.
        beta, zt, dz, C = x
        with warnings.catch_warnings() as w:
            Phi_syn = bouligand2009(kh, beta, zt, dz, C)

        misfit = self.objective_function(Phi_syn, Phi, 1.0)
        if not np.isfinite(misfit):
            misfit = 1e99
            misfit += self.objective_routine(beta=beta, zt=zt, dz=dz, C=C)
        return misfit

    def optimise(
        Find the optimal parameters of \\( \\beta, z_t, \\Delta z, C \\)
        for a given centroid (xc,yc) and window size.

            window : float
                size of window in metres
            xc : float
                centroid x values
            yc : float
                centroid y values
            beta : float
                fractal parameter (starting value)
            zt : float
                top of magnetic layer (starting value)
            dz : float
                thickness of magnetic layer (starting value)
            C : float
                field constant (starting value)
            taper : taper (default=`numpy.hanning`)
                taper function, set to None for no taper function
            process_subgrids : function
                a custom function to process the subgrid
            kwargs : keyword arguments
                to pass to radial_spectrum.

            beta : float
                fractal parameters
            zt : float
                top of magnetic layer
            dz : float
                thickness of magnetic layer
            C : float
                field constant

        if process_subgrid is None:
            # dummy function
            def process_subgrid(subgrid):
                return subgrid

        # initial constants for minimisation
        # w = 1.0 # weight low frequency?

        x0 = np.array([beta, zt, dz, C])

        # get subgrid
        subgrid = self.subgrid(window, xc, yc)
        subgrid = process_subgrid(subgrid)

        # compute radial spectrum
        k, Phi, sigma_Phi = self.radial_spectrum(subgrid, taper=taper, **kwargs)

        # minimise function
        res = minimize(self.min_func, x0, args=(k, Phi, sigma_Phi), bounds=self.bounds)
        return res.x

    def _func_queue(self, func, q_in, q_out, window, *args, **kwargs):
        """ Retrive processes from the queue """
        while True:
            pos, xc, yc = q_in.get()
            if pos is None:

            pass_args = [window, xc, yc]

            res = func(*pass_args, **kwargs)
            q_out.put((pos, res))

    def parallelise_routine(self, window, xc_list, yc_list, func, *args, **kwargs):
        Implements shared memory multiprocessing to split multiple
        evaluations of a function centroids across processors.

        Supply the window size and lists of x,y coordinates to a function
        along with any additional arguments or keyword arguments.

            window : float
                size of window in metres
            xc_list : array shape (l,)
                centroid x values
            yc_list : array shape (l,)
                centroid y values
            func : function
                Python function to evaluate in parallel
            args : arguments
                additional arguments to pass to `func`
            kwargs : keyword arguments
                additional keyword arguments to pass to `func`

            out : list of lists
                (depends on output of `func` - see notes)

            An obvious use case is to compute the Curie depth for many
            centroids in parallel.

            >>> self.parallelise_routine(window, xc_list, yc_list, self.optimise)
            Each centroid is assigned a new process and sent to a free processor
            to compute. In this case, the output is separate lists of shape(l,)
            for \\( \\beta, z_t, \\Delta z, C \\). If `len(xc_list)=2` then,

            >>> self.parallelise_routine(window, [x1,x2], [y1, y2], self.optimise)
            [[beta1  beta2], [zt1  zt2], [dz1  dz2], [C1  C2]]

            Another example is to parallelise the sensitivity analysis:

            >>> self.parallelise_routine(window, xc_list, yc_list, self.sensitivity, nsim)

            This time the output will be a list of lists for \\( \\beta, z_t, \\Delta z, C \\)
            i.e. if `len(xc_list)=2` is the number of centroids and `nsim=4` is the number of
            simulations then separatee lists will be returned for \\( \\beta, z_t, \\Delta z, C \\).

            >>> self.parallelise_routine(window, [x1,x2], [y1,y2], self.sensitivity, 4)

            which would return:

            [[[ beta1a , beta1b , beta1c , beta1d ],   # centroid 1 (x1,y1)
              [ beta2a , beta2b , beta2c , beta2d ]],  # centroid 2 (x2,y2)
             [[   zt1a ,   zt1b ,   zt1c ,   zt1d ],   # centroid 1 (x1,y1)
              [   zt2a ,   zt2b ,   zt2c ,   zt2d ]],  # centroid 2 (x2,y2)
             [[   dz1a ,   dz1b ,   dz1c ,   dz1d ],   # centroid 1 (x1,y1)
              [   dz2a ,   dz2b ,   dz2c ,   dz2d ]]   # centroid 2 (x2,y2)
             [[    C1a ,    C1b ,    C1c ,    C1d ],   # centroid 1 (x1,y1)
              [    C2a ,    C2b ,    C2c ,    C2d ]]]  # centroid 2 (x2,y2)

        n = len(xc_list)
        if n != len(yc_list):
            raise ValueError("xc_list and yc_list must be the same size")

        xOpt = [[] for i in range(n)]
        processes = []
        q_in = Queue(1)
        q_out = Queue()

        nprocs = self.max_processors

        if nprocs == 1:
            # skip all the OpenMP cruft
            for i in range(n):
                xc = xc_list[i]
                yc = yc_list[i]

                res = func(window, xc, yc, *args, **kwargs)
                xOpt[i] = res

        elif nprocs > 1:
            # more than one processor
            for i in range(nprocs):
                pass_args = [func, q_in, q_out, window]

                p = Process(target=self._func_queue, args=tuple(pass_args), kwargs=kwargs)


            for p in processes:
                p.daemon = True

            # put items in the queue
            sent = [q_in.put((i, xc_list[i], yc_list[i])) for i in range(n)]
            [q_in.put((None, None, None)) for _ in range(nprocs)]

            # get the results
            for i in range(len(sent)):
                index, res = q_out.get()
                xOpt[index] = res

            # wait until each processor has finished
            [p.join() for p in processes]

            raise ValueError("{} processors is invalid, specify a positive integer value".format(nprocs))

        # process dimensions of output
        ndim = np.array(res).ndim

        if ndim == 1:
            # return separate lists of beta, zt, dz, C
            xOpt = np.vstack(xOpt)
            return list(xOpt.T)
        elif ndim > 1:
            # return lists of beta, zt, dz, C for each centroid
            xOpt = np.hstack(xOpt)
            out = list(xOpt)
            for i in range(len(out)):
                out[i] = np.split(out[i], n)
            return out
            raise ValueError("Cannot determine shape of output")

    def optimise_routine(
        Iterate through a list of centroids to compute the optimal values
        of \\( \\beta, z_t, \\Delta z, C \\) for a given window size.
            window : float
                size of window in metres
            xc_list : ndarray shape (l,)
                centroid x values 
            yc_list : ndarray shape (l,)
                centroid y values 
            beta : float
                fractal parameter 
            zt : float
                top of magnetic layer
            dz : float
                thickness of magnetic layer
            C : float
                field constant
            taper : function
                taper function (default=`numpy.hanning`)
                set to None for no taper function
            process_subgrids : func
                a custom function to process the subgrid
            kwargs : keyword arguments
                to pass to radial_spectrum.

            beta : ndarray shape (l,)
                fractal parameters
            zt : ndarray shape (l,)
                top of magnetic layer
            dz : ndarray shape (l,)
                thickness of magnetic layer
            C : ndarray shape (l,)
                field constant

        return self.parallelise_routine(

    def metropolis_hastings(
        MCMC algorithm using a Metropolis-Hastings sampler.

        Evaluates a Markov-Chain for starting values of
        \\( \\beta, z_t, \\Delta z, C \\) and returns the
        ensemble of model realisations.
            window : float
                size of window in metres
            xc : float
                centroid x values
            yc : float
                centroid y values
            nsim : int
                number of simulations
            burnin : int
                number of burn-in simulations before to nsim
            x_scale: float(4) (optional)
                scaling factor for new proposals
                (default=`[1,1,1,1]` for `[beta, zt, dz, C]`)
                - see notes
            beta : float
                fractal parameter (starting value)
            zt : float
                top of magnetic layer (starting value)
            dz : float
                thickness of magnetic layer (starting value)
            C : float
                field constant (starting value)

            beta : ndarray shape (nsim,)
                fractal parameter
            zt : ndarray shape (nsim,)
                top of magnetic layer
            dz : ndarray shape (nsim,)
                thickness of magnetic layer
            C : ndarray shape (nsim,)
                field constant

            `nsim`, `burnin`, and `x_scale` should be tweaked for optimal performance
            Use starting values of \\( \\beta, z_t, \\Delta z, C \\) relatively
            close to the solution - \\( C \\) can easily found from the mean of the
            radial power spectrum.

            During the burn-in stage we apply tempering to the PDF to iterate closer
            towards the solution. This has the effect of smoothing out the posterior
            so that minima can be more easily found. This is necessary here because
            large portions of the posterior probability are zero.
            see see Sambridge 2013, DOI:10.1093/gji/ggt342 for more information.
        if process_subgrid is None:
            # dummy function
            def process_subgrid(subgrid):
                return subgrid

        samples = np.empty((nsim, 4))
        x0 = np.array([beta, zt, dz, C])

        if x_scale is None:
            x_scale = np.ones(4)

        # get subgrid
        subgrid = self.subgrid(window, xc, yc)
        subgrid = process_subgrid(subgrid)

        # compute radial spectrum
        k, Phi, sigma_Phi = self.radial_spectrum(subgrid, taper=taper, **kwargs)

        P0 = np.exp(-self.min_func(x0, k, Phi, sigma_Phi) / 1000)

        # Burn-in phase
        for i in range(burnin):
            # add random perturbation
            x1 = x0 + np.random.normal(size=4) * x_scale

            # evaluate proposal probability + tempering
            P1 = np.exp(-self.min_func(x1, k, Phi, sigma_Phi) / 1000)

            # iterate towards MAP estimate
            if P1 > P0:
                x0 = x1
                P0 = P1

        P0 = np.exp(-self.min_func(x0, k, Phi, sigma_Phi))

        # Now sample posterior
        for i in range(nsim):
            # add random perturbation
            x1 = x0 + np.random.normal(size=4) * x_scale

            # evaluate proposal probability
            P0 = max(P0, 1e-99)
            P1 = np.exp(-self.min_func(x1, k, Phi, sigma_Phi))

            P = min(P1 / P0, 1.0)

            # randomly accept probability
            if np.random.rand() <= P:
                x0 = x1
                P0 = P1

            samples[i] = x0

        return list(samples.T)

    def sensitivity(
        Iterate through a list of centroids to compute the mean and
        standard deviation of \\( \\beta, z_t, \\Delta z, C \\) by
        perturbing their prior distributions
        (if provided by the user - see add_prior).
            nsim : int
                number of Monte Carlo simulations
            window : float
                size of window in metres
            xc : float
                centroid x values
            yc : float
                centroid y values
            nsim : int
                number of simulations
            beta : float
                starting fractal parameter 
            zt : float
                starting top of magnetic layer
            dz : float
                starting thickness of magnetic layer
            C : float
                starting field constant

            beta : ndarray shape (nsim,)
                fractal parameters
            zt : ndarray shape (nsim,)
                top of magnetic layer
            dz : ndarray shape (nsim,)
                thickness of magnetic layer
            C : ndarray shape (nsim,)
                field constant
        if process_subgrid is None:
            # dummy function
            def process_subgrid(subgrid):
                return subgrid

        samples = np.empty((nsim, 4))
        x0 = np.array([beta, zt, dz, C])

        use_keys = []
        for key in self.prior_pdf:
            prior_pdf = self.prior_pdf[key]
            if prior_pdf is not None:

        # get subgrid
        subgrid = self.subgrid(window, xc, yc)
        subgrid = process_subgrid(subgrid)

        # compute radial spectrum
        k, Phi, sigma_Phi = self.radial_spectrum(subgrid, taper=taper, **kwargs)

        for sim in range(0, nsim):
            # randomly generate new prior values within PDF
            for key in use_keys:
                prior_pdf = self.prior_pdf[key]
                self.prior[key][0] = prior_pdf.rvs()

            # minimise function
            rPhi = np.random.normal(Phi, sigma_Phi)
            res = minimize(
                self.min_func, x0, args=(k, rPhi, sigma_Phi), bounds=self.bounds
            samples[sim] = res.x

        # restore priors
        for key in use_keys:
            prior_pdf = self.prior_pdf[key]
            self.prior[key] = list(prior_pdf.args)

        return list(samples.T)



def add_prior(self, **kwargs)

Add a prior to the dictionary (tuple) Available priors are

Assumes a normal distribution or define another distribution from scipy.stats


>>> add_prior(beta=(p, sigma_p))

add_prior(beta=scipy.stats.norm(p, sigma_p))

Source code
def add_prior(self, **kwargs):
    Add a prior to the dictionary (tuple)
    Available priors are \\( \\beta, z_t, \\Delta z, C \\)

    Assumes a normal distribution or
    define another distribution from `scipy.stats`

        >>> add_prior(beta=(p, sigma_p))

        >>> add_prior(beta=scipy.stats.norm(p, sigma_p))

    for key in kwargs:
        if key in self.prior:
            prior = kwargs[key]
            if type(prior) == tuple:
                p, sigma_p = prior
                pdf = stats.norm(p, sigma_p)
            elif type(prior) == stats._distn_infrastructure.rv_frozen:
                pdf = prior
                raise ValueError("Use a distribution from scipy.stats module")

            # add prior PDF to dictionary
            self.prior_pdf[key] = pdf
            self.prior[key] = list(pdf.args)

            raise ValueError("prior must be one of {}".format(self.prior.keys()))
def metropolis_hastings(self, window, xc, yc, nsim, burnin, x_scale=None, beta=3.0, zt=1.0, dz=10.0, C=5.0, taper=, process_subgrid=None, **kwargs)

MCMC algorithm using a Metropolis-Hastings sampler.

Evaluates a Markov-Chain for starting values of and returns the ensemble of model realisations.


window : float
size of window in metres
xc : float
centroid x values
yc : float
centroid y values
nsim : int
number of simulations
burnin : int
number of burn-in simulations before to nsim
float(4) (optional) scaling factor for new proposals (default=[1,1,1,1] for [beta, zt, dz, C]) - see notes
beta : float
fractal parameter (starting value)
zt : float
top of magnetic layer (starting value)
dz : float
thickness of magnetic layer (starting value)
C : float
field constant (starting value)


beta : ndarray shape (nsim,)
fractal parameter
zt : ndarray shape (nsim,)
top of magnetic layer
dz : ndarray shape (nsim,)
thickness of magnetic layer
C : ndarray shape (nsim,)
field constant


nsim, burnin, and x_scale should be tweaked for optimal performance Use starting values of relatively close to the solution - can easily found from the mean of the radial power spectrum.

During the burn-in stage we apply tempering to the PDF to iterate closer towards the solution. This has the effect of smoothing out the posterior so that minima can be more easily found. This is necessary here because large portions of the posterior probability are zero. see see Sambridge 2013, DOI:10.1093/gji/ggt342 for more information.

Source code
def metropolis_hastings(
    MCMC algorithm using a Metropolis-Hastings sampler.

    Evaluates a Markov-Chain for starting values of
    \\( \\beta, z_t, \\Delta z, C \\) and returns the
    ensemble of model realisations.
        window : float
            size of window in metres
        xc : float
            centroid x values
        yc : float
            centroid y values
        nsim : int
            number of simulations
        burnin : int
            number of burn-in simulations before to nsim
        x_scale: float(4) (optional)
            scaling factor for new proposals
            (default=`[1,1,1,1]` for `[beta, zt, dz, C]`)
            - see notes
        beta : float
            fractal parameter (starting value)
        zt : float
            top of magnetic layer (starting value)
        dz : float
            thickness of magnetic layer (starting value)
        C : float
            field constant (starting value)

        beta : ndarray shape (nsim,)
            fractal parameter
        zt : ndarray shape (nsim,)
            top of magnetic layer
        dz : ndarray shape (nsim,)
            thickness of magnetic layer
        C : ndarray shape (nsim,)
            field constant

        `nsim`, `burnin`, and `x_scale` should be tweaked for optimal performance
        Use starting values of \\( \\beta, z_t, \\Delta z, C \\) relatively
        close to the solution - \\( C \\) can easily found from the mean of the
        radial power spectrum.

        During the burn-in stage we apply tempering to the PDF to iterate closer
        towards the solution. This has the effect of smoothing out the posterior
        so that minima can be more easily found. This is necessary here because
        large portions of the posterior probability are zero.
        see see Sambridge 2013, DOI:10.1093/gji/ggt342 for more information.
    if process_subgrid is None:
        # dummy function
        def process_subgrid(subgrid):
            return subgrid

    samples = np.empty((nsim, 4))
    x0 = np.array([beta, zt, dz, C])

    if x_scale is None:
        x_scale = np.ones(4)

    # get subgrid
    subgrid = self.subgrid(window, xc, yc)
    subgrid = process_subgrid(subgrid)

    # compute radial spectrum
    k, Phi, sigma_Phi = self.radial_spectrum(subgrid, taper=taper, **kwargs)

    P0 = np.exp(-self.min_func(x0, k, Phi, sigma_Phi) / 1000)

    # Burn-in phase
    for i in range(burnin):
        # add random perturbation
        x1 = x0 + np.random.normal(size=4) * x_scale

        # evaluate proposal probability + tempering
        P1 = np.exp(-self.min_func(x1, k, Phi, sigma_Phi) / 1000)

        # iterate towards MAP estimate
        if P1 > P0:
            x0 = x1
            P0 = P1

    P0 = np.exp(-self.min_func(x0, k, Phi, sigma_Phi))

    # Now sample posterior
    for i in range(nsim):
        # add random perturbation
        x1 = x0 + np.random.normal(size=4) * x_scale

        # evaluate proposal probability
        P0 = max(P0, 1e-99)
        P1 = np.exp(-self.min_func(x1, k, Phi, sigma_Phi))

        P = min(P1 / P0, 1.0)

        # randomly accept probability
        if np.random.rand() <= P:
            x0 = x1
            P0 = P1

        samples[i] = x0

    return list(samples.T)
def min_func(self, x, kh, Phi, sigma_Phi)

Function to minimise


x : array shape (n,)
array of variables
kh : array shape (n,)
wavenumbers (rad/km)
Phi : array shape (n,)
radial power spectrum
sigma_Phi : array shape (n,)
standard deviation of Phi,


misfit : float
sum of misfit (scalar)


We purposely ignore all warnings raised by the bouligand2009() function because some combinations of input parameters will trigger an out-of-range warning that will crash the minimiser. Instead, the misfit is set to a very large number when this occurs.

Source code
def min_func(self, x, kh, Phi, sigma_Phi):
    Function to minimise

        x : array shape (n,)
            array of variables \\( \\beta, z_t, \\Delta z, C \\)
        kh : array shape (n,)
            wavenumbers (rad/km)
        Phi : array shape (n,)
            radial power spectrum \\( \\Phi \\)
        sigma_Phi : array shape (n,)
            standard deviation of Phi, \\( \\sigma_{\\Phi} \\)

        misfit : float
            sum of misfit (scalar)

        We purposely ignore all warnings raised by the `pycurious.grid.bouligand2009`
        function because some combinations of input parameters will
        trigger an out-of-range warning that will crash the minimiser.
        Instead, the misfit is set to a very large number when this occurs.
    beta, zt, dz, C = x
    with warnings.catch_warnings() as w:
        Phi_syn = bouligand2009(kh, beta, zt, dz, C)

    misfit = self.objective_function(Phi_syn, Phi, 1.0)
    if not np.isfinite(misfit):
        misfit = 1e99
        misfit += self.objective_routine(beta=beta, zt=zt, dz=dz, C=C)
    return misfit
def objective_function(self, x, x0, sigma_x0, *args)

Objective function used in objective_routine Evaluates the l2-norm misfit


x : float, ndarray
x0 : float, ndarray
sigma_x0 : float, ndarray


misfit : float
Source code
def objective_function(self, x, x0, sigma_x0, *args):
    Objective function used in `objective_routine`
    Evaluates the l2-norm misfit

        x : float, ndarray
        x0 : float, ndarray
        sigma_x0 : float, ndarray

        misfit : float
    return 0.5 * np.sum((x - x0) ** 2 / sigma_x0 ** 2)
def objective_routine(self, **kwargs)

Evaluate the objective routine to find the misfit with priors Only keys stored in self.prior will be added to the total misfit


>>> objective_routine(beta=2.5)


misfit : float
misfit integrated over all observations and priors
Source code
def objective_routine(self, **kwargs):
    Evaluate the objective routine to find the misfit with priors
    Only keys stored in self.prior will be added to the total misfit

        >>> objective_routine(beta=2.5)

        misfit : float
            misfit integrated over all observations and priors
    c = 0.0

    for key in kwargs:
        val = kwargs[key]
        if key in self.prior:
            prior_args = self.prior[key]
            if prior_args is not None:
                c += self.objective_function(val, *prior_args)
    return c
def optimise(self, window, xc, yc, beta=3.0, zt=1.0, dz=10.0, C=5.0, taper=, process_subgrid=None, **kwargs)

Find the optimal parameters of for a given centroid (xc,yc) and window size.


window : float
size of window in metres
xc : float
centroid x values
yc : float
centroid y values
beta : float
fractal parameter (starting value)
zt : float
top of magnetic layer (starting value)
dz : float
thickness of magnetic layer (starting value)
C : float
field constant (starting value)
taper : taper (default=numpy.hanning)
taper function, set to None for no taper function
process_subgrids : function
a custom function to process the subgrid
kwargs : keyword arguments
to pass to radial_spectrum.


beta : float
fractal parameters
zt : float
top of magnetic layer
dz : float
thickness of magnetic layer
C : float
field constant
Source code
def optimise(
    Find the optimal parameters of \\( \\beta, z_t, \\Delta z, C \\)
    for a given centroid (xc,yc) and window size.

        window : float
            size of window in metres
        xc : float
            centroid x values
        yc : float
            centroid y values
        beta : float
            fractal parameter (starting value)
        zt : float
            top of magnetic layer (starting value)
        dz : float
            thickness of magnetic layer (starting value)
        C : float
            field constant (starting value)
        taper : taper (default=`numpy.hanning`)
            taper function, set to None for no taper function
        process_subgrids : function
            a custom function to process the subgrid
        kwargs : keyword arguments
            to pass to radial_spectrum.

        beta : float
            fractal parameters
        zt : float
            top of magnetic layer
        dz : float
            thickness of magnetic layer
        C : float
            field constant

    if process_subgrid is None:
        # dummy function
        def process_subgrid(subgrid):
            return subgrid

    # initial constants for minimisation
    # w = 1.0 # weight low frequency?

    x0 = np.array([beta, zt, dz, C])

    # get subgrid
    subgrid = self.subgrid(window, xc, yc)
    subgrid = process_subgrid(subgrid)

    # compute radial spectrum
    k, Phi, sigma_Phi = self.radial_spectrum(subgrid, taper=taper, **kwargs)

    # minimise function
    res = minimize(self.min_func, x0, args=(k, Phi, sigma_Phi), bounds=self.bounds)
    return res.x
def optimise_routine(self, window, xc_list, yc_list, beta=3.0, zt=1.0, dz=10.0, C=5.0, taper=, process_subgrid=None, **kwargs)

Iterate through a list of centroids to compute the optimal values of for a given window size.


window : float
size of window in metres
xc_list : ndarray shape (l,)
centroid x values
yc_list : ndarray shape (l,)
centroid y values
beta : float
fractal parameter
zt : float
top of magnetic layer
dz : float
thickness of magnetic layer
C : float
field constant
taper : function
taper function (default=numpy.hanning) set to None for no taper function
process_subgrids : func
a custom function to process the subgrid
kwargs : keyword arguments
to pass to radial_spectrum.


beta : ndarray shape (l,)
fractal parameters
zt : ndarray shape (l,)
top of magnetic layer
dz : ndarray shape (l,)
thickness of magnetic layer
C : ndarray shape (l,)
field constant
Source code
def optimise_routine(
    Iterate through a list of centroids to compute the optimal values
    of \\( \\beta, z_t, \\Delta z, C \\) for a given window size.
        window : float
            size of window in metres
        xc_list : ndarray shape (l,)
            centroid x values 
        yc_list : ndarray shape (l,)
            centroid y values 
        beta : float
            fractal parameter 
        zt : float
            top of magnetic layer
        dz : float
            thickness of magnetic layer
        C : float
            field constant
        taper : function
            taper function (default=`numpy.hanning`)
            set to None for no taper function
        process_subgrids : func
            a custom function to process the subgrid
        kwargs : keyword arguments
            to pass to radial_spectrum.

        beta : ndarray shape (l,)
            fractal parameters
        zt : ndarray shape (l,)
            top of magnetic layer
        dz : ndarray shape (l,)
            thickness of magnetic layer
        C : ndarray shape (l,)
            field constant

    return self.parallelise_routine(
def parallelise_routine(self, window, xc_list, yc_list, func, *args, **kwargs)

Implements shared memory multiprocessing to split multiple evaluations of a function centroids across processors.

Supply the window size and lists of x,y coordinates to a function along with any additional arguments or keyword arguments.


window : float
size of window in metres
xc_list : array shape (l,)
centroid x values
yc_list : array shape (l,)
centroid y values
func : function
Python function to evaluate in parallel
args : arguments
additional arguments to pass to func
kwargs : keyword arguments
additional keyword arguments to pass to func


out : list of lists
(depends on output of func - see notes)


An obvious use case is to compute the Curie depth for many centroids in parallel.

>>> self.parallelise_routine(window, xc_list, yc_list, self.optimise)

Each centroid is assigned a new process and sent to a free processor to compute. In this case, the output is separate lists of shape(l,) for . If len(xc_list)=2 then,

>>> self.parallelise_routine(window, [x1,x2], [y1, y2], self.optimise)
[[beta1  beta2], [zt1  zt2], [dz1  dz2], [C1  C2]]

Another example is to parallelise the sensitivity analysis:

>>> self.parallelise_routine(window, xc_list, yc_list, self.sensitivity, nsim)

This time the output will be a list of lists for i.e. if len(xc_list)=2 is the number of centroids and nsim=4 is the number of simulations then separatee lists will be returned for .

>>> self.parallelise_routine(window, [x1,x2], [y1,y2], self.sensitivity, 4)

which would return:

[[[ beta1a , beta1b , beta1c , beta1d ],   # centroid 1 (x1,y1)
  [ beta2a , beta2b , beta2c , beta2d ]],  # centroid 2 (x2,y2)
 [[   zt1a ,   zt1b ,   zt1c ,   zt1d ],   # centroid 1 (x1,y1)
  [   zt2a ,   zt2b ,   zt2c ,   zt2d ]],  # centroid 2 (x2,y2)
 [[   dz1a ,   dz1b ,   dz1c ,   dz1d ],   # centroid 1 (x1,y1)
  [   dz2a ,   dz2b ,   dz2c ,   dz2d ]]   # centroid 2 (x2,y2)
 [[    C1a ,    C1b ,    C1c ,    C1d ],   # centroid 1 (x1,y1)
  [    C2a ,    C2b ,    C2c ,    C2d ]]]  # centroid 2 (x2,y2)
Source code
def parallelise_routine(self, window, xc_list, yc_list, func, *args, **kwargs):
    Implements shared memory multiprocessing to split multiple
    evaluations of a function centroids across processors.

    Supply the window size and lists of x,y coordinates to a function
    along with any additional arguments or keyword arguments.

        window : float
            size of window in metres
        xc_list : array shape (l,)
            centroid x values
        yc_list : array shape (l,)
            centroid y values
        func : function
            Python function to evaluate in parallel
        args : arguments
            additional arguments to pass to `func`
        kwargs : keyword arguments
            additional keyword arguments to pass to `func`

        out : list of lists
            (depends on output of `func` - see notes)

        An obvious use case is to compute the Curie depth for many
        centroids in parallel.

        >>> self.parallelise_routine(window, xc_list, yc_list, self.optimise)
        Each centroid is assigned a new process and sent to a free processor
        to compute. In this case, the output is separate lists of shape(l,)
        for \\( \\beta, z_t, \\Delta z, C \\). If `len(xc_list)=2` then,

        >>> self.parallelise_routine(window, [x1,x2], [y1, y2], self.optimise)
        [[beta1  beta2], [zt1  zt2], [dz1  dz2], [C1  C2]]

        Another example is to parallelise the sensitivity analysis:

        >>> self.parallelise_routine(window, xc_list, yc_list, self.sensitivity, nsim)

        This time the output will be a list of lists for \\( \\beta, z_t, \\Delta z, C \\)
        i.e. if `len(xc_list)=2` is the number of centroids and `nsim=4` is the number of
        simulations then separatee lists will be returned for \\( \\beta, z_t, \\Delta z, C \\).

        >>> self.parallelise_routine(window, [x1,x2], [y1,y2], self.sensitivity, 4)

        which would return:

        [[[ beta1a , beta1b , beta1c , beta1d ],   # centroid 1 (x1,y1)
          [ beta2a , beta2b , beta2c , beta2d ]],  # centroid 2 (x2,y2)
         [[   zt1a ,   zt1b ,   zt1c ,   zt1d ],   # centroid 1 (x1,y1)
          [   zt2a ,   zt2b ,   zt2c ,   zt2d ]],  # centroid 2 (x2,y2)
         [[   dz1a ,   dz1b ,   dz1c ,   dz1d ],   # centroid 1 (x1,y1)
          [   dz2a ,   dz2b ,   dz2c ,   dz2d ]]   # centroid 2 (x2,y2)
         [[    C1a ,    C1b ,    C1c ,    C1d ],   # centroid 1 (x1,y1)
          [    C2a ,    C2b ,    C2c ,    C2d ]]]  # centroid 2 (x2,y2)

    n = len(xc_list)
    if n != len(yc_list):
        raise ValueError("xc_list and yc_list must be the same size")

    xOpt = [[] for i in range(n)]
    processes = []
    q_in = Queue(1)
    q_out = Queue()

    nprocs = self.max_processors

    if nprocs == 1:
        # skip all the OpenMP cruft
        for i in range(n):
            xc = xc_list[i]
            yc = yc_list[i]

            res = func(window, xc, yc, *args, **kwargs)
            xOpt[i] = res

    elif nprocs > 1:
        # more than one processor
        for i in range(nprocs):
            pass_args = [func, q_in, q_out, window]

            p = Process(target=self._func_queue, args=tuple(pass_args), kwargs=kwargs)


        for p in processes:
            p.daemon = True

        # put items in the queue
        sent = [q_in.put((i, xc_list[i], yc_list[i])) for i in range(n)]
        [q_in.put((None, None, None)) for _ in range(nprocs)]

        # get the results
        for i in range(len(sent)):
            index, res = q_out.get()
            xOpt[index] = res

        # wait until each processor has finished
        [p.join() for p in processes]

        raise ValueError("{} processors is invalid, specify a positive integer value".format(nprocs))

    # process dimensions of output
    ndim = np.array(res).ndim

    if ndim == 1:
        # return separate lists of beta, zt, dz, C
        xOpt = np.vstack(xOpt)
        return list(xOpt.T)
    elif ndim > 1:
        # return lists of beta, zt, dz, C for each centroid
        xOpt = np.hstack(xOpt)
        out = list(xOpt)
        for i in range(len(out)):
            out[i] = np.split(out[i], n)
        return out
        raise ValueError("Cannot determine shape of output")
def reset_priors(self)

Reset priors to uniform distribution

Source code
def reset_priors(self):
    Reset priors to uniform distribution
    self.prior = {"beta": None, "zt": None, "dz": None, "C": None}
    self.prior_pdf = {"beta": None, "zt": None, "dz": None, "C": None}
def sensitivity(self, window, xc, yc, nsim, beta=3.0, zt=1.0, dz=10.0, C=5.0, taper=, process_subgrid=None, **kwargs)

Iterate through a list of centroids to compute the mean and standard deviation of by perturbing their prior distributions (if provided by the user - see add_prior).


nsim : int
number of Monte Carlo simulations
window : float
size of window in metres
xc : float
centroid x values
yc : float
centroid y values
nsim : int
number of simulations
beta : float
starting fractal parameter
zt : float
starting top of magnetic layer
dz : float
starting thickness of magnetic layer
C : float
starting field constant


beta : ndarray shape (nsim,)
fractal parameters
zt : ndarray shape (nsim,)
top of magnetic layer
dz : ndarray shape (nsim,)
thickness of magnetic layer
C : ndarray shape (nsim,)
field constant
Source code
def sensitivity(
    Iterate through a list of centroids to compute the mean and
    standard deviation of \\( \\beta, z_t, \\Delta z, C \\) by
    perturbing their prior distributions
    (if provided by the user - see add_prior).
        nsim : int
            number of Monte Carlo simulations
        window : float
            size of window in metres
        xc : float
            centroid x values
        yc : float
            centroid y values
        nsim : int
            number of simulations
        beta : float
            starting fractal parameter 
        zt : float
            starting top of magnetic layer
        dz : float
            starting thickness of magnetic layer
        C : float
            starting field constant

        beta : ndarray shape (nsim,)
            fractal parameters
        zt : ndarray shape (nsim,)
            top of magnetic layer
        dz : ndarray shape (nsim,)
            thickness of magnetic layer
        C : ndarray shape (nsim,)
            field constant
    if process_subgrid is None:
        # dummy function
        def process_subgrid(subgrid):
            return subgrid

    samples = np.empty((nsim, 4))
    x0 = np.array([beta, zt, dz, C])

    use_keys = []
    for key in self.prior_pdf:
        prior_pdf = self.prior_pdf[key]
        if prior_pdf is not None:

    # get subgrid
    subgrid = self.subgrid(window, xc, yc)
    subgrid = process_subgrid(subgrid)

    # compute radial spectrum
    k, Phi, sigma_Phi = self.radial_spectrum(subgrid, taper=taper, **kwargs)

    for sim in range(0, nsim):
        # randomly generate new prior values within PDF
        for key in use_keys:
            prior_pdf = self.prior_pdf[key]
            self.prior[key][0] = prior_pdf.rvs()

        # minimise function
        rPhi = np.random.normal(Phi, sigma_Phi)
        res = minimize(
            self.min_func, x0, args=(k, rPhi, sigma_Phi), bounds=self.bounds
        samples[sim] = res.x

    # restore priors
    for key in use_keys:
        prior_pdf = self.prior_pdf[key]
        self.prior[key] = list(prior_pdf.args)

    return list(samples.T)

Inherited members